Friday, July 09, 2004

I think when you can't stand give out a certain aura that makes you more attractive to IT. I don't understand the more I push it away, the more often the encounters become....Yup, it's ME against THE LIZARDS....Yikes!

I hate lizards. Just mentioning or writing the name sends shivers down my spine. For short, I shall call it "LizzY"....I'm am so so sorry to those whose name is Elizabeth or Liza....I have no intention whatsoever to associate it with humans BUT calling it lizzy sounds much better....

Anyway, Lizzy and I have this love-hate relationship for as long as I remember. I hate Lizzy BUT Lizzy seems to love me. I remembered how I jumped up and down and holding on tightly for dear life at my father's legs when I had accidently stepped on Lizzy's fallen tail - my father was chasing Lizzy and it conveniently dropped its tail!......That was when I was 4. Can you imagine the trauma that I had to go through...28 years had gone by and I still remembered it. The emotional scar that Lizzy's tail had caused me. Even a million dollar lawsuit is not enough to compensate for the pain. Lizzy taught me an important lesson, though. Never Chase Lizzy! I remembered it for life.

That was not the only close encounter that I had with Lizzy. When I was 7, Lizzy came to my life in a more dramatic way in the Botanical Gardens. I was minding my business, eating my lunch WHEN Lizzie decided that IT did not want to stay on the tree anymore. IT, conveniently again, decided to find a landing platform on yours truly HEAD! So imagine a 9 year old girl with a LIZZY on her head jumping frantically, closing her eyes and hugging whoever that was near her...And this time, it was her POOR UNCLE.

My latest encounter with Lizzy happened a few weeks back. I was driving and again minding my own business. I was about to make a left turn so I turned to the right to see whether any traffic was approaching. AND guess who I saw holding for dear life on my side window.....LIZZY!!!! Where it came from, I don't know. I got distracted and in the end, drove in loops when I knew the place at the back of my hand.

I tried to get it OFF my window. I drove faster and faster BUT it was hanging like a pro. Please Mr Wind, please blow LIZZY away. But Mr Wind failed I decided to ask Mr Sun for his help. I reached my destination and parked where there's no shade. I thought "Ah-ha! Now Lizzy had no choice but to scamper to cooler place." I got out from the passenger's side to avoid any confrontation.

Within 30 minutes, I was back and I didn't see it. But to be on the safe side, I decided to get it through the passenger's door instead of the driver's door...I didn't want it to jump on my hand when I opened the door. When I got in, I was about to give a sigh of relief when I saw IT cowering under the shades of the side window! Arrrgh! how to get rid of it, I don't know.

I drove fast again back home but LIZZY still HANG ON...what kind of suction pads did this LIZZY have??? Once again, I got out from the passenger side...those who witnessed this MUST think I am a complete WHACKO! I don't care. I ran as fast as I Lizzy could catch me!

I am waiting for someone to invent a deodorant or perfume that repels all of you with very good contacts or good creative skills...if you know of any such product or plan to invent such product, please call me.

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