Wednesday, July 21, 2004

To my darling friend

I am so so sorry that I can't meet you today. I wish you had informed me earlier. I wish I could make the time today to meet. But I can't due to other committments. I know you need someone to talk to, someone to listen to you, someone who you can pour your heart out. I am so sorry I am unable to be that someone today. I hope you understand.

For the past few days, I have been thinking about you, wondering how you are coping with your new job. I know the recent events make you miss him tremendously; his birthday, your convocation, your new job. But If I say I know how you really feel, I'd be lying. I can only see your loneliness. I can only see your sadness. I can only emphatise.

I read your SMS again and again. I wish I could just get off work and meet you. How I wish I could just hold your hand as you cry or just be there for you. Like I said before, if he is still alive, he'd be the proudest husband of all. I remembered meeting him when you decided to take your Masters...he was full of pride. I could see it in his eyes. I remember.

My dear friend, I can only say be strong. I, myself, do not know how I'd cope in your shoes. I realised that all the advices in the world cannot ease your pain. I have learnt to be quiet. I realised that all you need is my presence. All you need is someone to hear your pain, your lonliness.

I am sad that I cannot meet you today. All I can do is to make dua for you. May Allah protect you and your children and give you peace in both heart and mind. Ameen.

Love and Hugs from me.

PS : I'll wait for your SMS.

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