Thursday, August 19, 2004

"Assalamualaikum", the soft whisper broke the silence of the office. I turned my chair and saw her standing at the doorway. "Wa alaikumsalam." I replied, standing up as I extended my hand to meet hers. I was taken aback by her presence. Someone who I knew to be full of life, chirpy had turned to be withdrawn and quiet. I felt responsible for her state of health. I was the cause of it.

"We need to talk, Nur. Can you leave for awhile? We cannot discuss it here." I knew this was coming. Her eyes looked sad. I could not imagine and did not dare to imagine what was going through her mind. Ever since her return from her 1 year sabbatical leave, a few days back, Husna was no longer the Husna that I knew. Her once cheery disposition had turned to be reserved. Her smiles were limited and her eyes downcast most of the time. She was always in deep thoughts.

A part within me knew that she knew about me and Zaihan, about my decision. I could not bring myself to talk to her. I was guilt ridden. I was like the mouse that went out to play when the cat was away.

"Meet me at the carpark, please." she said softly. There was a sense of urgency in her voice. I nodded. I cleared my table and dropped a short note to my boss indicating that I'll be taking the day off. I waited until she was out of sight. I did not want my other colleagues to know. Or, did they already know? I wondered.


As the wind blew her dark hijap and long black abaya, I dawned on me that she looked so pale and frail. We stood where Zaihan and I were a few months back. The fateful day I made the decision. I could feel her heartache. I had done her wrong. I knew. Could she forgive me for all the heartaches that I caused her? It was a mistake, a nightmare. I should not have done it in the first place.

"Why did you reject him, Nur? Isn't he good enough for you?" I was taken aback by her question. That was not the question I was expecting. She was supposed to curse me, call me a husband snatcher. She was supposed to make me feel bad. That's what I had imagined her do to me. She should be tormenting me the way I had done to her. That was her opportunity for backlash...torment me physically, mentally and emotionally.

Thousands of thoughts went through my mind. What was wrong with her? Was she a normal, emotional woman like me? How should I answer her? I thought my actions were clear. I thought my decision was clear. I had asked for a clean break.

"I didn't want to hurt you anymore. I am so sorry for all that I have done. It was wrong." Tears of repent rolled down my cheeks. I still loved him, for heaven's sake. I was doing it for her. It was the only way for me to redeem myself. I could not undo what was done, the damaged was done. Leaving him was the only solution for me. The only way to make others happy.

Husna's eyes met mine. Suddenly, I was enveloped by a sense of calmness. She pulled me close to her and hugged me tight. Our wet cheeks met. I was comforted by her warmness. Did she forgive me? We cried together for a moment, like long lost siblings. Husna had been there for me ever since I started work. I could not possibly continue to betray her trust.

Then I heard her say"Nur, please marry him. I am pleading you. He needs you, Nur. If you love me like your own sister, please...please marry him." What in the world was happening? I thought. I was overcome by shock. I pushed myself away and looked at her in disbelief. Was my mind playing games with me? Did I hear what I actually heard? Did she actually said those words? I wanted an answer. I looked at her for an answer, puzzled, confused.

She stood back, wiped her tears. She nodded and smiled.


"Check Mate!" Zaihan exclaimed as he moved the queen into position. "You ladies are giving me such a easy game!" His whole face brightened in a playful laugh. Husna and I looked at our husband. He was a fair man. Not many man can do what he has done. If it was not for Husna, the main woman behind the man, I would not be here to share their wonderful love life. Life is so unpredictable...only Allah swt knows what is best for us.

"... it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." (Al-Baqarah 2:216)

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