Monday, July 18, 2005

Boy, do time really flies. It's Monday already, the 3rd week of July. First, let me thanks my dear friends who responded to my plea to SMS. Thank you so much. For the past week, I have lost all mood to blog, bloghop or do anything with blogs. I have tried to find the reason behind the lack of mood but alas...could find none. So I guess maybe this is just like being know, some times you just love your spouse, always in the mood to do things together but there will be times when you just feel that you cannot stand your spouse and want to be alone for awhile.

I think that that is just how I feel about my blogs or even the act of blogging. Maybe in the next few days, I come back refreshed and filled with excitement and definitely in the mood for blogging. Maybe I am just too caught up in the events that have been happening for the past weeks, the excitement of the IOC, the shock of the tragic London Blasts, the even more shock of the NKF saga....and the worst shock of all is given a work project that for the 1st time in my whole career I do not know where to begin.

So I will bid adieu for the time being...a short break maybe a day or two OR even an hour or two. I am so unpredictable that I myself do not know when the mood will come. Maybe you will see an entry in an hour or two. I won't be surprise. Till the mood comes....have a great week ahead. 8)

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