Thursday, July 21, 2005

It has been 15 years since I last spoke the language, let alone read books in that language. It is such a waste, to learn a language and then don't make full use of it. Now, sad to say, my vocab is very limited. 8( I could hardly remember common words, the verb subject agreement and I feel that I am in dire need to brush up.

I guess this holds true for many things that we learn, the courses that we attended. If we DON't put the knowledge to regular use until it becomes part of us, at the end of 3 months, we have nothing left of what we have learnt. I am guilty of that, not internalising what I learnt. It is indeed an embarrassement when I go through my personal files and see lists of courses that I have attended either to enhance my work skills or on personal development....and yet, when asked what I learnt - I could not remember.

Recently, I just took a look at my not-so-updated resume ( I have not been updating it for the past 7 years??) and I saw something that made me ashamed to show to others and even worse potential employers. In a section on language spoken and written : French, Malay, English. And what could I belt out when I saw that? Only a 'Bonjour', 'Au Revoir', Comment ca va? - Heck, I'm not even sure I spelt it correctly.

My significant other actually enticed me into practising the language when he suggested that we go to a French-speaking country if I can master the language again. He did not mention which one - but I had Paris in mind. Now I am all motivated to learn the language again.

Bonjour. Je m'appelle (spell??) BQ. Est-ce vous pouvez parler (urgh, spelling??) francais avec moi?

Boy, I think I am still a long long long way to Paris.........

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