Thursday, October 20, 2005

Mission (Im)Possible - Hunt For Lampu Lap Lip

Honestly, I have never bought a lampu lap lip before. I have been walking up and down the rows of shops at Clementi Central and still have not found the lampu lap lip. Being the "terover" practical woman, I am not really into putting up lampu lap lip for raya. But my children.....ah, when you have children, their wants become your needs.

"When are we going shopping?", "When are you going to buy us new shoes?", "When are you going to get us lampu lap lip?", "When are we going to get our new baju kurung?"...endless questions and these are on top of what are we going to have for iftar today...which happens to be the most frequently asked question! Anyway, I have been given this mission by my Cik Abang Sayang - the Hunt For Lampu Lap Lip is ON.

So like any normal accountant, I would like to get a value-for-money deal. Every penny counts. So, first, I did some market surveys. Ask some friends on the types of lampu lap lip that are available, the price range. I am not sure whether these friends are reliable - knowing them, they don't even ask for quotations for their car insurance. Well, don't you?

Back to this lampu lap lip thing, I was told that the price range is between $20 to $36 - depending on the length. So armed with whatever information that my lap lip savvy friends had fed me, I made my way to the Clementi heartlands during lunch time. Walked around for more than an hour and Not a single shop sold lampu lap lip. Eh, orang Clementi tak pasang lampu lap lip ke? Orang Clementi beli lampu lap lip kat Geylang kot....Buat penat aku aje. If I had known, I would have spent my time snorring in the office.

When I reached office empty-handed, Kak Y told me I could have got it at Sembawang Shopping Centre. Kak Y, aku dah penat, basah kuyup kena hujan baru akak hoo hoo. Anyway, Orang Sembawang - betul ke cakap Kak Y ni? Si Ina pulak told me I can get it at Causeway Point. Ah...bercinta aku nak pegi Causeway Point - it is becoming like Geylang Serai. So much people - heh, don't correct my grammar ok..."MUCH"...tak terkira macam garam, gula...kalau boleh kira, baru use "Many". If only some innovative entreprenuer have a home delivery for lampu lap lip...wouldn't it be great? In the meantime, the hunt is still ON.....


MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Aparaaa...nak cari lampu laplip pun payah sangat ker? agak2 payah macam nak cari kayuuu...nak cari kayuuuu...ahaks

Ely said...

oh oh, the mission is on. its like when u tak nak benda tuh melambak, nak beli, cant find any!

we use to buy at geylang (best bet) and sembawang shopping center pun ada juga! or some hardware stores should have some kan? how abt IMM?

good luck!

Anonymous said...

same here .. hehehehhe. but go to compang city ker and yah sembawang shopping centre ker ... i bet sana lebih murrrah murrah ..

Anonymous said...

i agree with kak bulan! heh

Anonymous said...

alamak thats me

Anonymous said...

celuuupppp bahhhh....hehe lama tak dtg sini, naik jenuh baca ur entry tapi i like ....bab previous post hmmm macam same g2 cuma diff environment....hmmm memorable story..

Lynnette said...

i dah pasang lampu lap lip dah sebab my son dah sepok nak tgk lampu. i bought @ only $14 tu pun last yr punya dis ye pakai balik =p

Aliyah said...

heh! got mine at some heartlands shops. very cheap. mine 250 chasing lights for $14 i think. then wen i got married, my dh added more lights. those spiky balls like disco lights cost abt $16 i think. that from geylang. I think geylang has more varieties. Itu pon if you sanggup meredah lautan manusia. to be specific, bought mine from the blk 1 geylang serai. *LOL*

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

To all - Thank you so much for the suggestions. I finally got it at Vista Point at $18. Oklah. Tak long as the children's happy, i happy. 8)