Monday, October 24, 2005

TA-Ma-On Syndrome

This is about my good friend, iPi -a friend who I love very much. iPi looks like me and I look like iPi. Does iPi read my blog? Unfortunately, no - although I have given the URL so many many times. I think she only read it once and then if I were to ask her why, her natural response would be "T, I have no time. Sorry." and would give me a very sheepish smile. I don't mind, really. I still love her to bits and we will still be walking arms in arms looking for a place to eat for lunch.

Come to think of it, I have 2 groups of friends, those from the net and those who do not even know what net is....heh. And, the latter group are mostly high-flyers, career-minded professionals in their own rights and yet, they have no interest in the net stuff. Why? They are too engrossed in their work. *sigh*

Anyway, back to iPi. Recently, she gave me an S.O.S email."T, can you remember how many kuih raya I have ordered from Cik Midah ?" If, if this was sent someone else other than iPi, I would have said....knock, knock, assalamualaikum, please go fly kite! But it was iPi and with sisterly love, I cracked my brains to remember. You see, I am the CPU in this relationship. According to iPi, I have a bigger megabyte capacity and I seem to have the capacity to remember events that happened eons ago and when she could not even remember which school her youngest sister goes to, I'm the one who would come to her rescue. By the way, her sister is 21 or 22 years younger than her so that explains her memory lapse.

So, I was trying to figure why iPi forgot the number of kuih raya she ordered...then I realised that she might have ordered just too many and could not keep track of them. So I asked her and Bingo! I was right. Her reply,"T, I ordered from so many that I've lost track of what type of kuih I ordered from who. S.O.S!!"

Now, I guess that iPi is not the only one experiencing this with Raya approaching in about a week's time. And this is what I call the TA-MA-ON syndrome and unfortunately, iPi got it too. I told her and obviously, she laughed it off. She often said I can always make her laugh till she peed in her pants! (Yes, she did a couple of times actually. Tak bedek!) It is not difficult to make iPi laugh, she laughs at every single thing and that's what make her so lovable.

The TA-MA-ON syndrome is easy to diagnose. You don't need to be a doctor to see it. You can even self-diagnose. When you see so many bottles of kuih raya piling up in you house and that they could feed an army or last you till next year's Raya, then it is 100% confirm you have it! I told iPi, I could help her with this. There is only one logical remedy. Being a great friend, I am most willing to do some self-sacrificing especially in the most barakah month of Ramadhan.

The remedy - to give some of the kuih raya to me since I have more mouths to feed than her. I am willing to help her consume those duplicate kuih raya that she has bought. No problem, dear. This is what friends are for! I told her. Well, iPi is still thinking about it. iPi don't think too long ok? This offer is only limited till before Hari Raya's eve!

So, for those for you who want to be sure that you don't have the TA-MA-ON syndrome, please check your kitchen cabinets and store and what-ever storage space that you have, in case you have some left overs kuih from last year's Raya that you have long forgotten. There is still time to do some prevention for this raya. And if you need assistance to consume this year's kuih raya, do drop me a note. I am most willing to put aside some of my time to help you out when raya comes. 8)


Ely said...

ok o, i have to confess, i NEED kueh raya here on this side of the world!

mak and sister are sending me their home made kueh tart, kueh boat and m&m cookies. jadilah...kalau ada lebih pun lebih bagus!

Anonymous said...

i was cracking my brains..wat is Ta-Ma-On syndrom..until i read the whole story..hehehe

Lynna said...

LoL.......what you wrote ni betul ;-)

few yrs back .....while clearing up the kitchen..found some leftover kuihs (2 types of kuihs )which i made....about 60pc since then ..i MAKE sure i ORDER or BAKE a little lesser amount ...hehehheh

spidey said...

i am MORE than willing to help your friend to solve her our army are of the same number but i have to say mine has greater strength! :lol:

Lynnette said...

aiseyman.. earlier i'm trying to figure out what TA-MA-ON is.. and then i got it & start laughing at myself hehehehe

MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

I have checked every corner of my shelves (takot ader belen2 last year kuehs) just in case me too have got this TA MA ON syndrome. To think about this TA MA ON, is it adek bradek TA MA DER???..ahaks

simplyizzanworld said...

Hi BQ,
Me to have this TA-MA-ON Syndrome khkehkehk smalam baru jerr buang popiah last raya khekhkehke

This year try to avoid the TA-MA-ON Syndrome but cannot leh...


Aliyah said...

haiz! this part i cant control. my ma alwiz has the habit of TER-uli adunan lebih. *shakes head*

this year was a tad diff. i've decided we shall bake ONLY 3 kuihs as i've got kerepeks, muruku, kacang, chocodates for raya. This way, confrim cepat laku. no wastage.

Aliyah said...

Oh! I forgot to pass u some reviews on club med. the one we went was club med, ria bintan.

it was a nice, enjoyable and fun place to spend time with family and loved ones. your kids will definitely enjoy themselves most cos they've the - club med petit club. you can just leave yr kids with the GOs' there and enjoy quiet moment together with your husband. somehow i hvnt experience it yet with my dh. it's my 2nd trip to club med but both occasions on company outing. i suggest u go club med bintan. heard from those who went to cherating, they said it wasnt as fun n nice as bintan. besides the trip to bintan was shorter compared to cherating.

any more queries u need to know, feel free to email me at

heh! i try to help as much lah so that you'll have a pleasant trip.

peacehaslina said...

tq 4 dropping by...n thx 4 the compliments.. :)