Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Week into Ramadhan

This year is Nani's first year fasting. She just turned 4 last June. Since her other 2 sisters are fasting, it becomes natural that she wanted to fast too. I remembered asking her last Ramadhan whether she would like to fast. "No" was the answer - "tak tahan lapar" was the reason.

Unlike her sisters, Nani is a frequent eater and milk drinker. She will practically howl for food when her meals are served late. She will throw tantrum if milk is not given immediately when she asked. Patience and will power was definitely no within her vocabulary. So this year, I was rather surprised that she insisted that we wake her up for sahur and recite with her the niat Ramadhan. She wanted to try to fast.

For the 1st day, she woke up for sahur and her fasting lasted at 9.30am. She had a bottle of milk and some porridge. Then she decided to start fasting again. So no food till iftar. I thought that was an accomplishment!

As days go by, the time that she went without food and water increases from 9.30am to 6.00pm, on Saturday. That day, we bought her balloons. She was so proud of herself. Now, she said, she is one of us - the adults.

As I look at my children as they fast, I do get worried about their well-being. And I don't want them to see fasting as a burden or as something that we, parents forced down their throats to accept and embraced. When I see their lips dry, I do ask whether they still want to continue fasting. It's ok for children not to fast as long as adults for Allah swt is the most merciful. Most times, they insisted on fasting. Maybe it could be their resilience and "never give up" attitude.

During the 1st week of Ramadhan, there were days where they were just too tired from their daily activities and just could not be awaken for Sahur. I just let them be. So this morning, Nani did not wake up for Sahur. Most probably, I'll receive a call from her today, sometime before she goes to school, to say," Mak,harini Nani puasa tau? Belikan...." and she will rattle a whole list of food items.


Anonymous said...

oh dear... i am so sorry to hear abt that.

heh i dare not ask my parents for any food for iftar. 'Makan apa yg ada!' will be wat i get if i do. kehrkherke

MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

*Awww....like MsMumble*

Anonymous said...

masya-allah! nani is one exemplary toddler! good work, nani!

a'ah, kak. kalau tak ada hal, memang malas nak pi geylang. penuh sesak and so hot!!!

Lynnette said...

morning sis... wah teringat masih kecik2 time i baru blajar puasa..

ANZED said...

Sis, agaknya orang nama Nani nie, memang suka makan eh? But ppl with Nani name has strong will power tau... Insya'Allah, she sure, CAN!

Aliyah said...

Masya-Allah! Such a determination and resilience she showed at that young age. Im so impressed!