Today is the last day of Ramadhan for Muslims in Singapore. How fast times flies. And whether we get to meet the next Ramadhan...only Allah knows. With Eid approaching in a few hours and Ramadhan comes to an end, the joy of celebrations mingled with a sense of sadness. Ramadhan is a month of reflection, a month of cleansing both spiritually and physically. And I'd like to thank a friend who left her comment on my last posting - reminding me of the holy night of Lailatul Qadar. I remembered, my friend. 8) I did what I could. Alhamdullilah.
And to those who had sent their Lebaran Wishes, thank you so much. I haven't had much time on the internet these few days due to some impending deadlines so I'd like to apologize for not responding to your comments or email. And Sis Bulan, I'll do as requested. 8)
So before I end this entry, I'll like to wish everyone Eid Mubarak. And if there were any instances where I posted some comments or remarks that may have affected you in a negative manner, please accept my most sincere apologies as those remarks were merely made in passing - no harm intended. Have a Wonderful Eid.
apsal gambar hang blurr? (mcm orangnya, blurrlikesotong, ahaks)
Cam kenallll..jer....
Niway, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin. Jangan lupa datang rumah.
myperuikbelanga...memang blurlah...kata blur queen, mystery woman...hehehe
woman of mystery..nih partner jbon...haha..aniway kak, selamat hari raya...forgive me if i sms'ed u at the wrong times of the day disturbing your peace..enjoy ur syawal wif ur family. cant type much...time susuuuu..hehe.
salam lebaran to u and yr family too!
thanks kak
selamat hari raya ...maaf zahir dan batin jika ada yg tersinggung tu maaf kan yer...
Selamat Raya to you too.
selamat hari raya to you & your family :)
selamat hari raya !!
minal aidil wal faizin
Kak..raya tahun ni kat Brunei tak meriah lah..belum 2 weeks raya, semua rumah dah gelap daa...
salam lebaran to you n family sis!
come back soon....
morning. . .raya sakan nampak berlapok nie BLOG tau hihihi
no updates huh?
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