Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Dreams Do Come True

I promise myself that I will start writing THAT report after this entry. I have put that on hold for 2 days, the time has come for me to stop PROSCRASTINATING. Today, I have an itch to just update my blog. It is one of those better maximise it.

So this entry is about DREAMS and my friend, Vic, who got married after 40, sometime early this year. Actually, Vic decided not to get married when she reached 30 but as she claimed...even she was surprised that she got married!

Vic didn't want to get married earlier on because she didn't get her dream man. You see, Vic was a dreamer - and STILL is a dreamer. She wanted a man who would look after her (literally) and being an educated, modern, independent worman, she wanted a man who could cook well, clean up the house i.e good at housekeeping, do the laundry. We used to laugh at her and pinch her whenever she tell us of her perfect DREAM man, telling her to please wake up and there is NO SUCH MAN. But Vic was adamant. She did not want to settle for anything less.

So at 35, she bought her HDB flat - making sure it is near amenities and an old folks home! Vic has a very good sense of humour and weird logic. She thinks too much into the future. She said one of the bonus point for her flat is that it has an old folk home nearby so since she was NEVER getting married, she knew where to admit herself when she grow old and not able to walk properly. We laughed at her again!

Then early this year, she called us and said that she's holding a get-together for some close friends and she merely remarked that she was getting married. There was no excitement, gushing bride-to-be expressions...just, hi there. guess what? I am getting married. I fell off my chair! But Vic kept her cool and We were the excited, the married with children ones.

We thought that Vic (coming from a minority group who prefered match-making) were matchmade by her parents. But we knew Vic better. When the idea of being matchmade were broached by her mom, she did remark, "Why don't you get married to that guy if he's so good?" She was all anti-matchmade. We restrained ourselves during the get-together and the wedding. We didn't show our true-blue kaypoh-ness. We held our tongue. We didn't ask how they met but we knew they love each other. We know Vic will tell us when the time comes.

So last Sunday, we met up at the Esplanade and Vic spilled the beans...after more than 6 months of marriage. She finally thought the time has come for us to know. Vic's love spans across continents. Her husband lives and works in Germany. She lives and works in Singapore. They met one night when she was on one of her independent holiday in London. They communicated through the internet, fell in love and got married. Less than 6 months of relationship. She hasn't decided whether to join him in Germany. And they are comfortable with this arrangement of meeting every month when he comes down to Singapore.

But Vic has the last laugh. With childlike squeling and grasping our hands, eyes glowed...she said, "My dreams did come true. George cooks. He does the housework, the laundry, wash the dishes. He is my dream man. I finally found him." We are happy for Vic. For the rest of us, did we get the man of our dreams? Some of my friends refused to answer. But I'd did I, Vic! But my dream man is not one who picks after me...I like to spoil my man and my dream man allows me to spoil him! 8)

Anyway, Vic may be packing up to leave Singapore sometime next year. She hasn't decided and George is leaving the decision to her. But I'll miss Vic. I'll miss the girl whose dreams came true. Maybe, I'll look on the bright side...I'll have no problem with accommodation if we decided to go to Germany for the holidays!


Anonymous said...

insyallah i will n thanks!

Anonymous said...

miss u kak..drop by slalu lah..k

Anonymous said...

salaam sis, how u doing, lama tak chat online eh.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

miss mumble - I've never been to Europe. Now is my chance. HB sounds keen to go but mesti kumpul duit first. :)

diana - miss you too, dek! :)

kuntum - got problem with the firewall here...everything is FORBIDDEN now so I cannot chat online. I'm trying to find a way to bypass this firewall till then I have to tahan! :(

Anonymous said...

as salaamu `alaykum!

Thanks for dropping by *S* Yes, I am in SIngapore and I met a mutual friend over the weekend! How are you?

Anonymous said...

auwww..hmm..dream man? my dream man's no perfect man...but the man who's perfect for me...;)

Ely said...

very cute story really!

i remember being separated from my husband when we were married. alah separated for 1 mth jer, tuh pun dah nangis giler.