Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Health. Something that most of us take for granted. I always think that I am young, strong and basically formidable. I can do anything. I can lift anything. I don't take supplements. I don't believe in them. I do, however, believe in everything natural - like self healing, taking honey, eating well balanced meals and ensuring that I have the good balance of rest and stress. So far, alhamdullilah - I have been well and healthy and was proud to announce to everyone that I have not taken antibiotics for many, many years until.....last week.

It is said when you are hardly sick - when you fall sick, you fall real hard. For the 1st time in many many MANY years, I have never felt that sick. It was a case of K.O for almost a week. So it seems to become a habit that after a week of holidays, it would be a week of MCs. The last time our whole family had the conjunctivitis - this time we suffered a bad bout of flu. Even the docs had to ask us many times whether we went near any birds during our holidays. We didn't but the flu bug didn't bother, did it? The scary part about being sick this time was our temperature hit a high 40 degrees and we lost our appetite. I think I lost weight again. My pants are starting to feel loose again. Isn't it good? I don't know, a part of me think that I have lost more weight that I should. But I know the remedy - get pregnant again and my weight will balloon more than 20kg...hehehe. 8p

The thing about this flu bug is that it makes me feel real weak and my whole body trembled a bit. The flu, this time, marks some "firsts" for me - ahem, an achievement I would say. I finished my antibiotics. HB was so proud of me. If you were HB, you would too since you'd know my aversion towards medicine of anykind. This time, self-heal was not even the option. I had no voice last Sunday. My throat was infected and anything I swallowed felt like having a jagged rock stuffed down my throat. Doc said take medicine or suffer. Funny, my sick mind chose medicine and forced myself to take the pills even though some of them were as big as a 20cent coin - no kidding!

I recalled siting in front of a whole array of medicines. A glass of water, a glass of Ribena and some mentos! I am such a chicken when it comes to medicine. I would stare at the medicine for a few good minutes and then, I'd hear HB's loud holler over and above the TV - Take the medicine, NOW! And then the nag about how the children followed me when it comes to taking medicine - each of them had to be held down by at least 2 adults just to get a 5ml of medicine in! And the sweets outnumbered the medicines by many folds. Me and my self-healing techniques!

But medicine is no miracle. The medicine merely soften the blow of the flu bug. And I am still recovering, not at home though BUT at work. You still have to go to work even though you're recuperating. I was told just this morning that I still sounded sick, nasal, phelgmy cough but I count my blessings. It is still very much better that last week's KO. Everything tasted bitter or bland. Water tasted like bitter gourd juice. It was just porridge day in, day out. Things are definitely picking up this week. I had my first good meal on Sunday at The Esplanade. Maybe, I'll talk about that later.

Anyway, it feels good to be back at WORK....hehehe. I am definitely looking forward to being 100% healthy again. I miss Jurong Point food. Me and Jurong Point - and no, I don't live near JP either. Maybe this Friday, I'll have lunch at JP. Anyone wants to join me?


Mamafai said...

Hi sis..been a long time I heard from you. Hope you are feeling much better now.

Mamafai said...

hi sis...been a long time since I heard from you..hope you are feeling much better now!

MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Alamak Queen, chakit eh...ciannn dia. You reminds me of my gerl lah: sitting in front of medicine with a glass of plain water and some gula2.

Me plak must always have that 'asambuey' to go along.

Eh, my gerl too will be in P3 lah next year, same as yours ek.

Jama said...

If you're paying, I'll join you at JP, never mind if it's very far from my house...:p
I used to be like you, never believe in supplements, but after taking Royal Jelly and Essence of Chicken regularly, I 've seen the difference! more energetic and seldoms get sick, that's why I stick to these 2 supplements.well,when you've reached my age, you need supplements!!

Ely said...

get well soon dear! take tonnes of vitamin C and take some garlic tabs.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Guess what people? I didn't realise that I enabled the moderate comments mode...so I just managed to read the comments. hehehe. So blur, right? Anyway, I have dis-enable it. :)

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

lizanoor - I work near Holland V. But with MRT, I am able to make to JP every week. One of these days, we MUST meet for lunch - you work around the west too, right?

mamafai - I'm getting better! :)

myperiukbelanga - I have an aversion towards asembuay too. hehehe.

mummyjam - why not? I belanja you. :) You have my number or not?

ely - I have bottles of that...but it takes ages for me to finish because I really have no discipline when it comes to taking vitamins! :)