Wednesday, December 14, 2005

It's Not Friday???!!!

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So I speak too soon about work! And I thought it would be a relaxing week in December! Boo-hoo-hoo.


MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Yer lah Queen, sabar...sabar...lagi pun sabar kan separuh dari sabar-iah, ahaks!

Al Sayf said...

There you are!! Now I see a clearer picture of you. :D

*brain to self*
Dude, you are such an idiot. That's not her picture.

*self to brain*
*panics* Oh God... what have I done. How do I cancel this comment?

*brain to self*
Just click on that "X" thingy at the top.

*self to brain*
This one? *points... still panicking*

*brain to self*
Dude... no!! That's the "Login and Pu...

Anonymous said...

a'salam kak

im thinkin of crowning...then the dentist said no need...well, mcm tak cantik gtu lah kalau senyum..hehehe

my office byk org cuti time december...

simplyizzanworld said...

morning today dah THURDAYS so cheers babe

Jama said...

dah Thursday pun , one more day to Friday...

mama tasya said...

alor..i bloghop..nk linky tk?reply k..neway skrg da sabtu hepi weekend!!