Wednesday, December 21, 2005


So bro Al-sayf has a long list of new year's resolutions, hopefully he accomplishes most of them even the hilarious "giving me a wedgie". I wonder how on earth he is going to do that! 8p Anyway, I don't have high expectations of myself especially in terms of setting goals. I just don't have the discipline but I have only 1 this year. Yup, only 1 - to achieve world peace! Nah! to get rid of the kaypoh-ness. Maybe not get rid off, but rather to reduce the percentage of kaypoh-ness in the WORLD.

Big goal huh? Mission statement - to reduce the percentage of kaypoh-ism in the world by XX%. Can I achieve it? Afterall, kaypoh-ism is endorsed by the President of the USA, who admitted that he authorized kaypoh-ness - otherwise, why should he be spying on others. It is ok to be kaypoh if it is national security. What about for personal security, personal comfort, personal interest? Is kaypoh-ism ok?

Picture this scenario. You and a group of friends were talking in the lift about getting new mobile phones and a friend was sharing on how her daughter put her handphone in a glass of water to drown it. Your group of friends laughed*daintily* and then you heard a loud gargling sound from behind and you realized that the man behind you was also laughing along. He was eavesdropping on the conversation! Some may say he got ears what? You cannot expect him to close his ears while you people talk! After all, Dick Chenney said it is ok to eavesdrop!

Picture another scenario. You just heard so-and-so was seeking a divorce because so-and-so's husband was caught red-handed (juicy, isn't it?) with a famous (or rather infamous) Malaysian's artist who was as "anggun" as can be. You searched high and low on all sorts of information you can get on her - where she lived, whether she was a divorcee, how many children from previous marriage. You can never get enough of the information on her. Then you proclaimed that you were her big fan and that's why you wanted to know everything about her - even to what brand of undergarment she wore.

So is this kaypo-ness? Some say nolah...This one case of obsessionlah. Where got kaypoh? We big fan of artist so we want to know more about the person lah. Great excuse but sorry to say but this is the ULTIMATE kaypoh. Kaypoh-ness that does not derive any benefit at all. I mean who cares if TOM CRUISE jumped on the couch on OPRAH and who cares whether he is INDEED a cradle snatcher and who cares if he is into scientology! Ooops, I do seem to know quite a bit aboutTom Cruise, don't I? The Media. Must be the Media - the chief of all Kaypohs.

So you see, this is definitely not an easy resolution. Kaypoh-ness is ingrained in human nature. It seemed we cannot survive without being Kaypoh. Kaypoh-ness is enveloped with definition like sharing of information like mothers finding out the grades of other children, gathering information like when it is time for performance bonus, you see people going from one cubicle to another gathering information on how much so and so get. And...and blog hopping, I think it is an activity that kaypohs enjoy! Now, wait a minute...ain't I one of them bloggers???? *thinking mode on*

Hmm...I change my mind. I have no new year's resolution. It is ok being kaypoh. Nothing wrong with it so let's continue with the blogging and blog-hopping in 2006. Hail to the Kaypohs!


Anonymous said...

so tis is abt resolution or kayponess...heheheh

anyway,next year i got more time to bloghopped,i tink..kekekeke

Anonymous said...

i think i'm a kaypoh jugak ... tapi jenis yang tau malu! *kekeke* :-P

Aryna said...

"It is ok being kaypoh."

I like that. Everyone has kaypoh-ness in them lah... :-)

spidey said...

hmm...i was worried if tat will be ur new yr resolution. NASIB BAIK!!!

Al Sayf said...

I guess it's okay to be kaypoh as long as that person is genuinely concerned. Not everyone is open about everything so sometimes we need to be a little kaypoh to find out what their problem is through others. Manalah tau... we might have dealt with the same problem and can maybe offer a helping hand. If kaypoh pasal cemburu tu I don't know what to say lah.

I don't bloghop as much as I used to for fear of "intruding". Some people write very personal stuff on there and I have this tendency/itch to leave a comment that might not necessarily please them. Usually I wait until someone leaves a comment on my blog before I visit theirs and leave a comment to return the favour or to thank them for visiting. That way I know they're open-minded enough to enjoy my nonsense. But still I don't see any wrong for someone to bloghop just as long as they don't have any bad intentions.

I may have a long list of resolutions but I think it's achieveable save for the wedgie and my other murderous goals. But as they say, if there's a will, there's a way. So you better watch your back!! *buat muka fierce* You have only one but hahah... to eradicate kaypoh-ness is an impossible feat. Kasi doploh tahun pun tak boleh game punya. Unless of course you're as obit as Cobra (that archaic Sylvester Stallone movie) and you use lines like "You're the disease and I'm the cure". The kaypoh people might just die laughing when they hear that phrase.