Monday, March 06, 2006

A Letter to Nonoi

Sayang Nonoi

You do not know me, sayang. I am writing this letter which you will never get to read. I cried many times when see your face, read about the turn of events. How tragic. You had a beautiful smile, innocent big round eyes. Just like any 2 year old, who only wants to be hugged, loved and taken care of. My Nina will turn 2 by end of this month and she is just like you - adorable.

When I look at Nina, I think of you when they reported that you went missing on 1 Mar 2006. I had a weird feeling when your mom was interviewed, she was rather aloof about your loss. Though I could see that your grandparents were deeply concerned. And that night, I couldn't sleep. I had nightmares about missing children. I kept thinking of you and my children. On the way to office, while driving - I thought of you. I remembered saying prayers for you every single day, praying that they would find you safe and sound. You were only a child, sayang - just 2 years old. What do you know? How could you defend yourself?

As days went by, I kept on thinking - Would they ever find you? What were you doing? Did some kind soul took you home and did not hear the news of you gone missing? Did you get anything to eat? And how can no adult find you?

I prayed for your safe return into the arms of those who loved you. I hope and pray for a happy ending. But it was not meant to be....

Sayang Nonoi, you were only 2 year old and he hid you under that bridge - in a place so secluded that you would not have been found, unless he led the way. I don't know what really happened but even if it was an accident, why didn't he reported your death? Why must he hide you?

I cried this morning again - reading the news, a mere stranger I am but my heart aches for your loss, an innocent child who can never defend herself. Any human being, with a heart, would feel anger and hatred towards the person who did such hideous crime. May justice prevail.

I know you're in safe hands now, sayang. All things happen for a reason - sometimes beyond human's comprehension. Only Allah swt knows and I am sure angels are guarding you now, sayang. And your place will be in heaven, insya'allah.

Someone who mourn for your loss. 8(

Al-fatheha buat Nurasyura Mohamed Fauzi (Nonoi).


Anonymous said...

She is definitely in a better place. Amin.

Asha said...

It's just sad.

(Allah knows best)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words
I am just a normal momma lah
Mother's love semua sama lah

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Lizanoor - Really?! Now, we got another alternative besides Pizza Hut & Canadian 2 for 1. Yippe!

Kuntum & The Woman - 8(

Crab - You are so humble. 8)

Jama said...

such a tragic end for a young child! but I can sense the love and care by the paternal, maternal and step -grandparents toward this little girl. May she rest in peace!

Em said...


Im bloghopping..I too am very sadden by Nonoi's death.

Lynnette said...

I'm feeling the same way u r feeling now.

Al-fateha to her..

Aryna said...

Yes, this is tragic and sad....

My heart goes to Nonoi, she's same age as my son. If I hit my son, he could do nothing to defend himself. My heart ache when I think of Nonoi, she might be crying and begging for help, whatever that man had done to her....


Anonymous said...

Although this letter is specially dedicated to Nonoi but I can't stop my tears from flowing after reading it. Begitu sebak n terasa sebiji batu sedang berada in between of my throat. I feel the lost. Yes, I can feel it sooo much as if Nonoi is my own!! When I watched them play, my heart says what do these small little todds know?? They know nothing!! Damn to those heartless creatures!! Semoga Allah membalasi segala perbuatan kejam terhadap Almarhumah Nonoi yang tidak berdosa, insya'Allah.

4PM volunteers. said...

i googled nonoi. wondered if anyone blogged abt it too. and came across ur page. i cried when reading ur post. sungguh kejam, who did tt to her. but perhaps, there's some hikmah behind it all.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

MummyJam, Babyhd, Mrs Beki & Anon - I guess all of us are anxious to know what really happened. A theory that some people have is that this was an accidental death but he panicked when it happened. But then again, who knows.

Em & notty me - THanks for dropping by. 8) Yes, I agree with you that there may be some hikmah behind it that we don't know.

Saudari Lee said...

it's a very unfortunate thing that happened to Nonoi. we all share the sorrow. anyway, i'll link you up okies? i like your addy (blurlikesotong). i am sometimes like a sotong too! have a good day!

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

ladylee - nice of you to drop by. 8) Yes, let's link.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

blog-hopped my way in here. your entry is very heart wrenching for i think most of us do mourn for the loss of nonoi, an innocent girl deprived of having a safe n happy life which she deserved.

Al fateha

ctlina said...

subhanaAllah ur entry made me cry again..pasti Roh nya di lindungi dan inshaAllah ahli syurga...memang dah tertulis beliau meninggal cara tragis *sob*

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

ek & Kak SK - I still can't get over it. I mean evertime I read about her, see her face, my eyes will tear and my dada sebak tak terkata....8(

Anonymous said...

there's definitely a reason behind this tragedy...may Allah bless her roh..amin...