Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I am a blur klutz. I am not embarrassed about it. It is just me.

According to Wikipedia - “A klutz is person who is clumsy, foolish, inept, or accident-prone.” For me, please ignore the foolish and inept part – because I am quite clever, you know and see myself as capable… But I am clumsy and accident-prone.

I have a whole strings of events – some I remembered vividly, others not so vividly. I think if there are some sorts of records kept to actually keep track of these accidents – Maybe, I’d get an award for them.

For instance, I have fallen into drains countless times. It seemed that I simply walked into them. I would be talking to someone and then….whooop…I’ll be about 3 feet lower. There was once (during my secondary school days) when I was running for the bus and the bus stop was filled with people. It was Bus No 151 – if my memory serves me well. I ran and then….gedebap…I fell into a drain hole! I think I might be the only person whose legs went haywire while running such that they found their way into a small drain hole at the side of the road.

And then, there was the time of the miniskirts. All I remembered about those times is falling down stairs while in a miniskirt. Maybe, I wore them too tight. I skipped a step once along Bras Basah Road, in front of a not-bad looking guy. I swore he was trying very hard to keep himself from laughing. And while in Uni, I missed a step or two, in front of a group of guys while on my way to the lecture theatre. Maybe, that is my "unconscious" way of getting attention. LOL!

Then, there was times when I was trying to be a helpful citizen by carrying my tray after completing a meal in fast food restaurants. Instead of helping them clear rubbish,I made a mess out of my unfinished drink by spilling them on the floor because the tray just missed the bin by oh-a-few millimetre. I had good intention, you know but…well, like it is said, we can ONLY plan. Now, I really help them by not putting away my tray. I just leave it after eating – don’t think I do it because I am lazy, ok?

My more recent act of klutz-ness was just last Friday. I still have a swollen toe to remind me of that accident. It was just the end of a normal day. I was about to leave my in-laws place and close the door behind me. Usually, I would step out of the door frame and pull the door but on the fateful day, I was standing in front of the door – I wonder what I was really thinking and yanked the door HARD to close it. They say when accidents happen it is very fast. Well, it was fast and when the pain hit me, I realised that my little toe got stuck under the door. OOOWWWCH!

I got the toe out after a letting out a howl….of pain. I didn’t care that it was a quiet evening and we were at the end of a HDB corridor! I guess anyone who heard the howl (I don’t think it was a scream) will think that some wolves were on the loose…hahaha (not funny? never mind).
So our plans for the weekend were scrapped because of my swollen toe. It was purple on Saturday and blue on Sunday. I cannot wear my shoes. The toe hurt like H&%# (I’m sure you’re smart enough to guess what the word is). I could limp, though.

The toe is improving – in colour. It is now slightly pink, still a little bluish. But getting better – no worries. I realised that even though it is just a toe, it is very important and I should not take it for granted. My plans were all disrupted because of just one toe. So even a toe can make a difference!

If you can only take away 1 point from here – just remember Don’t take your toe for granted…8)

As for me, my klutz-ness has reduced significantly over the past few years. I know I cannot eliminate it. Accidents like this happens once in a blue moon so I should be thankful. Quoting an sms that I received from a friend when I told her about the incident “Well, u r BLUR Queen. Hehehe.” Yes, I MUST keep up to that image, mustn’t I? 8P


Anonymous said...

Could a trip to the optometrist make a difference...or you could just get radars....lol....well it's start. 8P

spidey said...

i remembered many times in the past, i fell down the bus-stairs, yup, in front of a boy whom i had a crush on. malu seh..muka merah habis!

i also realised tat i got more clumsy wen i was pregnant. well, i believe there's study shows tat we tend to go off-balance often. unfortunately, i often kena ketawa, usik teruk by my hubby before he finally offered to help me.

Saudari Lee said...

well, for a start, i am more BLURER than you but not all the time lar. at times when i suddenly have my blur moments, i will be very verrry blur. LOL!

happy weekends, dear!

Anonymous said...

whenever i go through one of those BQ moments, dh will tease me with dialog from labu labi - hari nih hari bodoh saya, tuan. =P

Em said...

Ola!Well I recently had a klutzy accidents due to my shoes...Most of my accidents stem out because of me shoes...

It happened at traffic lights on the way to Darul..Oh...well needless to say I fell face forward like some big fruit...So you are not alone

rahyan said...

am i glad i've found a fellow klutz. but i paid dearly for mine. err..monetary wise lah. i was at the porcelain section of a shopping centre and my hand kinda hit something and then...you guessed the rest...sigh...