Is it really? I don’t think anyone can tell until he has experienced that pasture. It may just look greener than our current one. Hey, I think every pasture looks greener that what we have because humans, as interesting as we are, are also very unappreciative of what we currently have. We are always looking for greener pastures because ours is never green enough.
It is always bitter to swallow the truth. But we have to swallow it, anyway. When can humans ever be satisfied? When pigs fly or when cows jump over the moon? May be. Well, impossible is nothing according to Adidas new slogan. (I think it is Adidas – love their new slogan and the advertisement)
And why am I writing about this right after my own disappearing act from blogger because I was looking for greener blogging pasture? Seriously. I don’t know. It just sounds good to write. But really, really seriously, I heard of some friends and acquaintances who called it quits on their jobs, marriages and children’s schools. When I spoke to some of them, they said that they wanted to move on to greener pastures. It is them making the change but I am sceptical about the whole-greener-pastures-solutions.
I belong to the school of thoughts that believe a good change does not mean literally making a change physically. I believe that a real change is to change from within. In other words, if you think your grass is not greener than your neighbour - what are you going to do to make it greener. I am not against looking for greener pastures, per se. I prefer to tend to my pasture first, try to make them greener. Only if my actions fail to make them as green as I want them to be – only then will I consider looking for greener pastures. So it is my last resort.
But as I look around me, I see people just moving on without even trying. When they hear of something better, they just pack their bags and leave. And for some, they just keep on moving from one pasture to another because the greener pasture is not actually greener than the old one. It turned yellow after a while. Some of them say they gain the experience but they are never satisfied with what they have achieved – they just want more and more. The sky’s the limit – they say.
And as they look down on me from their pedestal of "achievements" (as they call them), they shake their heads and say that I have no drive to want more. From way below on hard solid ground, I shout back at them,"At least my grass will always be greener than yours. I made them greener and you just leave yours to rot."
I am happy with mine and the effort that I have put it to tend to them. Well, I am not sure whether those who constantly moving to greener pastures can make such claims since they are always looking around for pastures that are greener than theirs. Their own are never good enough.
So are your pastures as green as you want them to be? I guess it is for you to know and for me to never find out! 8)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
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"I see people just moving on without even trying."
Sad isn't it?
It's like you wrote this for me...
good one.
i believe life is all about changes and making choices. from whatever angle we choose to view it from, there are no right and wrong ones. each has its own reason and strength within, never a weakness - for journey of a thousand mile begins with a single step. but as we know it, it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey that reaps reward. =)
The woman - If only they put in a little bit of effort to change their mindset. The worst thing is to hear them complain about the same thing after they have moved on. I mean I can't help but think that the problem is not with their "pastures" - the problem is with themselves. If only they just try to change themselves first. & tks for the compliment! 8)
Triomommy - I am not against change, actually. I am very pro-change. hehe. In this entry, I am mostly referring to people who change because they are unhappy with the current situation and yet, they don't see that the reason for their unhappiness is because of some unrealistic expectations that they may have of others. For example, I know of some mothers who keep on changing schools for their children because the schools are never good enough. I mean this is not one or two changes in the child's school life but change almost every year or biennally. And also of people of kept on marrying and divorcing and marrying again or people who keep on job hopping and every where they go they complain about their current jobs. So my point is basically this - we should try and look at what changes we can make to the way we perceive things and try to change ourselves first before we may any physical change. No point moving when the fundamental problem is in ourselves. 8)
Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd: I heard Ibn Az-Zubair who was on the pulpit at Mecca, delivering a sermon, saying, "O men! The Prophet used to say, "If the son of Adam were given a valley full of gold, he would love to have a second one; and if he were given the second one, he would love to have a third, for nothing fills the belly of Adam's son except dust. And Allah forgives he who repents to Him." [Saihih Bukhari]
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Riches does not mean, having a great amount of property, but riches is self-contentment." [Sahih Bukhari]
i believe the hadeeths sum it all? =)
Spot on, gerl! 8)
kak..dah lama i tak drop by here...
hello! it has been a while since i dropped by. have a great weekend ya!
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