Monday, July 24, 2006

Short Circuit

So I broke the fortnight rule update. Why? I am peeved. Why? Because I choose to feel irritated – I can choose to feel otherwise but today I just want to feel annoyed. You know the normal excuse – I am human what…..

Let me tell you about why in this case, I choose to feel irritated. I cannot tahan (stand) people who over-sensationalise issues when there is actually nothing to it. We all know people are capable of doing many-many things, some of which are unthinkable to us. But weird or different or out of the norm does not mean that it is cannot be done. I also cannot stand it when things that are open for discussions are treated as if they belong to some covert operations and if one wishes to discuss openly or even mention about the subject, worse still gives his own radical opinion, one would be tracked down by some government intelligence unit.

An example of an over-sensationalise issue, the recent brouhaha about Siti and Datok K - so what’s the big deal? Just because she is a celebrity, these people make it sound like it is big crime getting married to a divorcee more than 20 years her senior and have 3 (or is it 4?) children in tow.

And why oh why do these people bother to circulate emails with pictures of Datok K’s son(s) embracing pretty girls and drinking what appeared to be alcohol? Again I ask, what is the point? We all know that teenagers at that age will have rebellious streak in them and I am sure some of those circulating these pictures may also had gone to pubs, embraced pretty girls and took sip of the no-no drink when they were young and had conveniently forgotten those incidents and proclaimed that they have repented. So why be so harsh on these children who have not done anything to hurt others? Just because of envy? How would you react if people circulate pictures of your children, tarnishing your reputation directly or indirectly? Have a thought for others, please.

I have received such emails and so far I have bit my tongue so as not to shoot a rather nasty email at those who sent them to me….well, they are my friends. And if they happen to read this, they will know where I stand. I am no saint but I just don’t like it lah…If you want to email others, go ahead – I am not stopping you but please don’t email me. I just don’t want to know about Siti and Datok K. I don’t gain anything from the news anyway.

I am also irritated by the fact that some people pretend to make something a secret when it is not and in actual fact, the whole world knows about it. In the office, when people make it sound like only those privileged are entitled to know and they use codenames to describe certain operations, blah blah blah. But the truth is, it is an open secret and everyone, who breathes the office air, already knows. Silly people! I cannot help but laugh silently at these people. I once received an email saying this and this like some kind of secret info and it ended with reminding me to keep the info to myself. The funny thing is 2 weeks before, I received the same information from another source who carbon copied the email to everyone! How ridiculous can some people get! Urrrgh….Just cannot tahan.

Posted by Grumpy Grandmother….


Asha said...

Hahaha... ditto to whatever you wrote! I couldn't help laughing about it BQ. It's like one can't see one's own back. Err, that's a tamil verse translated in english.. haha, hope you understood.

Em said...


I so know what you mean about the Siti H and Datuk K issue.. I reckon that if it is truly their jodoh den let it be...

About the open secret thing dats normal I guess...

Anonymous said...

i oso receive many emails regarding Siti and Dato K..yg me kesian kan anak2 Dato K..pasal bapak nak kawin, anak2 and x-wife kena..i have the x wife pic sent to me...

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

The Woman - hmm, I think I understand. I am still thinking whether there is a Malay version of that saying..

EM - Salam sis. 8)

Diana - I also receive the pic - beautiful lady. 8)

Lizanoor - I know you dah retire. I visited your multiply several times but malas nak comment...alahai, penyakit malas ni teruk lah! hehe.

Oh, in case others are reading this, I do make a point to visit your blogs but I am just too lazy to drop comments. Hope you don't mind. 8)

Anonymous said...

Agree with u BQ...What's all the fuss about CT and Dato' K anyways.
People ARE being silly! If they can't have something for themselves, MESTI got something to say....dah lah tu quote it 'Secret'.
Tsk Tsk Tsk....Grow Up Peolple!