Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I look around me. I see men and women who are married but refused to have children. Recently, I was having some small talk in the office when someone asked "Isn't it expensive to raise 4 kids?" I don't know. I actually never thought about it. So it really puzzles me when childless couples lament how expensive to raise a child in Singapore...starting with the diapers, the formula milk, cost of maids or child-care centres then the enrichment classes....the list goes on and on and on.
I wonder whether these couples are putting themselves through sleepless nights, listing down all the pros and cons of having children instead of making one....No Wonder Singapore is suffering from birth dearth. Having children is not like buying an equipment for a factory. The costs and benefits analysis does not work for procreation. 
For most childless couples that I know, I could see that they do love children...but other people not theirs. They feel that now is not the right time to have children. Simply because they think they do not have enough money to raise one. They want their children to have the best that money can buy.
The best money can buy should never be a requirement for raising happy children. For us with children, we know how simple children are. Getting the most expensive presents, wearing the most expensive clothes or going for the most expensive holidays is not what makes a child happy.  A hug, a kiss, a sweet lullaby or even just a phone call from mummy to say "I love you" can make any child's day.
So for those who could not decide whether to start a family soon, my advice "Don't think too much...Just do it!"  

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