Monday, July 05, 2004

On Saturday, I went to Madrasah Aljunied's Maulud celebration. It was a simple occassion but Masya'allah, the number of people that came so many. Alhamdullilah and I hope and pray that they get more than they had hoped for. Insya'allah.

It is such a pity that such an organisation, with an honorable intent and objective, is always in need for funds. Unlike government schools or institutions, the Madrasahs have to work extra hard just to get funds to pay for the daily operations of the Madrasahs. The Madrasah's objective is clear to ensure that there is a continuation to the line of Ulamak i.e that there is sufficient well-qualified people that can teach others Islam.

I feel sad that at times, the Madrasah's objective seems to be threatened by other people's objectives. It is never easy to do things in Allah's ways...there will always be obstacle after obstacles. I pray that Allah rewards all those people who are able to give their time and effort in helping the Madrasah raise funds. I know of some individuals who work hard and without demanding any material rewards or recognition, just to help the Madrasahs. I salute these people...because they know what is their true mission in this life.

Sometimes, I am saddened by the fact that some Muslims look down on the Madrasahs. I know someone who said that she does not trust the Madrasah's system because it does not ensure that her children will get a head start in life. Another person I know also mentioned that the Madrasah is slow and not up to standard. The Madrasahs have no other people who can lend them a hand but fellow Muslims ourselves. They need us...just like we need them to lead our way to the righteous path.

Look at the churches, how come they are so rich with funds...The Christians are behind them. Similarly, we Muslims should support our Madrasahs so they can achieve their objectives effectively. Together with stand, divided we fall....this saying is so true. Who else can help the Madrasahs except us Muslims?

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