Monday, August 16, 2004

My eyes lingered across the auditorium. Ah...another presentation. Although, that was my upteenth time doing it, my knees were getting weak and my stomach fluttered. So many eyes were focussed on the stage. I gathered my courage to speak. This task came with the job. The pay was good, the task challenging...Some said I had a dream job. We had a major policy change and it was my job to brief representatives from related organisations.

I took cautious steps up the stage, clutching my notes in one hand. Suddenly, I felt something tugged my legs and they gave way. As I lurged forward, I felt someone grabbed my arm to break my fall. I turned. Our eyes met. There was a moment of silence. "Are you alright?" he said.

"Uh..uh, yes...I guess I tripped on that wire" I blushed. Sensing my embarrassement, he let go of me. I straightened my dress and my headgear into position and walked straight to the podium. "Bismillah..." I prayed softly for Allah to give me the courage to proceed with the presentation. I cleared my throat and started, "Assalamualaikum wrt..."

Alhamdullilah, the presentation went smoothly, far beyond my expectation. During the tea break, my mind kept drifting, wondering about the person who saved me from falling on my face. He saved me from what could be a major embarassement. His face froze in my mind. He looked somewhat familiar. Then, it dawned on me that it was him. What was he doing on stage? Why didn't I see him earlier? Questions after questions raced my mind.

I scanned the auditorium once again...trying to spot him. I have not said a word of thanks. What an ingrate I have become? I felt like kicking myself hard. My eyes moved from face to face as my pace quickened, moving from one end of the room to the other. I returned some smiles and politely declined some offers for tea or coffee. Where is he? He could not have left so soon! My heart was beating frantically. The urge to meet him was too strong. I could not overcome it.

"Nur! Nur!" Someone called my name from the other side of the room. One of my senior officer gestured me to go over. Husna was my mentor at work. She was in her thirties, married with no children. I moved reluctantly towards chance of finding him was gone.

"Nur, congrats on your presentation. Well done, kid!" Husna took my hand, giving me a firm handshake. She turned to the man next to her and said "Han, this is Nur. I was telling you about. Nur, this is my husband, Zaihan." I was beyond words when I saw him. My emotions ran amok. I was overwhelmed with the knowledge that he was married to Husna. I felt a tinge of jealousy, a feeling I could not comprehend. Why do I feel that way?

I pulled myself together and smiled at Zaihan. He smiled back, the twinkle in his eyes..I could not forget. Oh my goodness, I was smitten by a married man....*to be continued*

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