Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Ok lah...OK lah....Apada...aku tengah syiok-syiok imagine, jadi Princess Leah from STAR WARS, with enemies scouring the whole place looking for me..Me and Hans SOLO, hmmm...Luke Skywalker tak yah lah...budak hingusan aku tak main...

Anyway, thanks to those who called, commented and asked whether I AM REALLY in trouble....Well, well, I am not. Alhamdullilah. I am healthy, cheery and very very VERY naughty today. *evil grin*

Thousand apologies for that MISCHIEVIOUS ENTRY...I was simply being naughty...takde keje katakan....BUT STAY TUNE...more suspense stories to come....asalkan bukan related to any suspenders sudah lah! *naughty winky-wink*

BLUR QUEEN OUT! (ni blur queen tengah imagine jadi RYAN SEACREAST pulak!)

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