Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Today is one of those rare morning where I get to sit peacefully in front of the PC. The baby is asleep and the other one is watching her favourite TV show. I just spoke to a friend a few days back. Something that she said struck a cord within me. "Ti, it is a dog eat dog world. Can you remember the last time you actually trusted people from this office?" I answered " It was a long long time ago. Yes, I thought I could trust the people there." She said with a laugh "Yah, it must be your first year of work here!"

I may be wrong to say this but I believe that what she said was true. It is a dog eat dog most organisation. Back stabbing, bad office politicks, black mail, office gossips and not forgetting the people that really, really make your day; the bitchy bosses (pardon my language but I think there is no better word to describe these people) are the common things you can find in the office. It was so true for mine. I hear it is still happening at my work place. Allies are formed. There are people that are the eyes and ears of the bosses. These are the "dangerous ones"...they are constantly lurking around. Eventually, there will be very very few people that you can trust.

My stint as a SAHM is coming to its first month aniversary. The beauty of being at home is that I don't have to answer to people who just want to make you look bad so they can look good. Neither do I have to do stupid jobs for stupid people. There's no conflict of interest. My mission at home is clear as crystal. My customers are my family members and we share the same vision. My leave will end in four months time. I dread for that day to come. If I had one wish....just one wish.....I wish...I wish that I can be a real SAHM permanently.....So where's my blur fairy? Anyone saw her?

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