Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Last weekend, someone told me "The event was jam packed with 5,000 people. How can 5,000 people be wrong?" I just kept quiet but my head was screaming "What makes you so sure that these 5,000 could not be WRONG?"- food for thoughts

Let me continue....When we see lots of people doing something, most of us will think that it is the right thing. For example, I have met people who would just join a queue when they see one. When being asked, what the queue was for...they just shrugged and replied "Ummm, dunno lah but everyone is queuing what...So must be something goodlah!" I wonder whether they actually asked themselves or the people in front of them, the "objective" of queuing. What do I get out of queuing?

Similarly, I believe most of us will see this as a typical human behaviour. I have seen it a lot of times...people wanting to get something because their friends have it, or join some clubs or associations because other people are doing it and getting a lot out of it. And at times, I am one of these people too. I just follow blindly. All these people COULDN'T be wrong! But could it be a case of "The Blind Leading the Blind"????

Life is filled with choices. That is why life is so interesting, challenging and complex. Yesterday, I had to make a choice. To follow what 5,000 people in Singapore and many hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are doing OR step back a little, think a little more, do a little bit of research and ask myself what is this whole thing about, is it within my principles. So I decided to do the latter, do my research.

I have found certain information that is very disturbing. My six-sense or my conscious is telling me to stay clear of it. I wonder whether all those who are currently doing this, actually did some thinking before they make the decision. Are they aware of the limitations? Are they aware of what is happening in other countries? Are they aware that ultimately they will lose out in the whole scheme of things? I wonder.

I have friends who are one of those 5,000 people. I know my friends truly, whole-heartedly believe in what they are doing. I am in a dilemma. How do I tell them? I guess all I can say is...Do your research first before jumping into the bandwagon. Even if, 1 million people across the world are doing this, all 1 million people could be think before you leap.

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