Thursday, February 17, 2005

Are we a reflection of our husbands and they a reflection of us? Do we cause our husbands embarrassment if we dress, talk and behave inappropriately? Do our husbands embarrass us if they were to do that too?

Sometimes, it only needs a small remark made by someone to trigger questions like these. I love watching TVs. Watching TV is my way of de-stressing. Yesterday, I watched this show on CNA - What Women Want...Really. It featured women from various backgrounds and one of those interviewed was a homemaker. She mentioned that she told her husband to remind her if she looked like a dowdy, frumpy housewife. She said " I don't want to embarrass him."

To me, that was an eye-opener statement. It's just so typical of me not to think of it that way. Everytime when I get dressed to go out with or without DH, I just choose the clothes that I like to wear. It never occurred to me that I may cause him some embarrassment by being "under" or "over" dressed. Maybe I am just too dense or dumb for that matter.

The lady's remark reminded me about how my life and DH's life are so intertwined. Being the other half of a marriage, I am his representative when he is not around. Impressions about him will depend on, not only the way I dress but also the way I carry myself in his presence or absence. I am his reflection and he mine.

It put me to great shame when I realise that there are many instances where I dress up for events that are important in my work and I want people to be confident about me and the organisation that I am working for. Yet, there are NOT SO MANY instances where I dress well just for my beloved significant other. I guess there is always this nagging thought at the back of my head that says he should accept me as who I am, with warts and all. I reckon it is this kind of assumption that makes an ass out of you and I.

A marriage does not survive on love alone. Both parties need to work their butts off to keep the "fire burning" . One of the work that I really need to do is to remember that I am my DH's embassador. I need to carry the flag of our marriage. So, if you see me dress reasonably better than I use to, remember that I am not doing it for myself, I am doing it for US. 8)

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