Monday, March 07, 2005

How many times in our lifes do we get distracted by 'noises' and we forget our true priorities? Many times in my life. The latest just ended and it took 2 weeks of my precious time. The aftermath was pure devastation...not fatal but brutal enough to destroy forged relationships. I thank Allah for giving me friends whose faith and imaan are strong and not easily swayed by emotions.

The "noises" started with just an innocent email. As I looked back, I wish I had stopped it there but being me, naturally overzealous, I went overboard. Some may call it "over-courage". In my attempt to wipe out the "noises", I forget that the brunt of my attack may be on people who I really care. My objective was as clear as crystal but the way I brought it across seemed a little wayward to some.

I had good intention. Never in my mind, heart and soul had I meant to hurt others in any way, emotional, mentally or even financially. I wanted to right the wrong or rather, what I thought was wrong. I imagined myself as a freedom fighter. But others may assume that I sounded like a terrorist. I wanted to raise awareness. But others thought that I just wanted to raise doubts in people's heart.

I realised that my approach was not the best approach. There will always be better ways. However, I simply cannot undo what I have done. Nonethess, nothing is wasted as behind every painful event, there will definitely be a valuable lesson. I learn that it is not only the intention that matters, the way this intention is carried out will determine the result. Good intention coupled with wrong approach may bring out the worst results.

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