Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I think people are rather cruel. There are many times that we judge a person based on her thoughts, her appearance and the way she carries herself. In many of those instances, we stereotype and associate that individual with certain group of people that we like or worst, do not like.

We measure them to our standards. If they don't pass those standards, they are not worth our time. Especially, if their trend of thoughts differ from ours. We only want to be friends with people who think like us, dress like us or live like us. Afterall, great minds think alike and birds of the same feather flock together. We hardly or almost never give ourselves a chance to get to know another person who is totally different from us. Who is the real person behind that face?

Maybe judging others is an ingrain quality of humans. But how can we tell whether that individual is actually a good person without getting to know her first? Once again what is our definition of good? Are we good enough ourselves to say that others are NOT? Who are we to say who goes to heaven and who does not? How do we know that the so-called worst among us will be the BEST in the future?

As much as it irks me to hear judgement being passed about others, I try to contain myself from making the same mistakes. To me, only Allah is THE JUDGE of humankind. As humans, our brains are just too shallow to judge others. So please, give other people a chance to have a place in our hearts and be our friend.

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