Monday, May 30, 2005

My brain took some time off the couple of now I figure it is in liquid state. *Gulp!* Sounds weird. Anyway, I have been cursing and swearing under my breath these few days, kicking myself for being such a moronic nincompoop. As I write this, my brain being in its liquid state (i.e not taking any form or structure) is drifting imagination land where I picture myself exasperated like the Rumpelstlitkin when the Queen found out his name. My feet stamping furiously on the wooden floor and my hands waving frantically with smoke oozing from my ears! THAT is how experated I am.

Why and why is that? Brace yourself (if you are a fan that is). If you are not, then MAY the FORCE be with you....Till to date, many many days after...I still have not watched Star Wars Episode 3 - the Revenge of the Sith. I have been reading synopsis after synopsis, reviews after reviews, collecting newspaper cuttings on how events that will lead to this closure of such a GRANDFATHER of science fiction. That is not a typo error...It is a GRANDFATHER of science fiction stories because the plot spans about 30 years...A 30-something fan then is already a 60-something grandfather by now, one generation away. To please the feminists out there, it is also a GRANDMOTHER of all science fiction story...there are you happy???

What's the big deal, you may ask. WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL????!!! Let me recap a conversation that took place in a dim lit room, the atmosphere ooohh laaa laaa so romantic....He at the PC and me playing with the children on the floor; one eye on the children and one eye on the TV - if you consider that romantic, good for you.

He : Wanna watch the midnight show tonight?
Me : Ummmm, Hmmmm (Friday night, brain still frozen....blame my boss! Gosh, I did not even know what I was thinking - I must have been quiet for a long time)
He : Wan or Not? Tired ah? Ok lah ....I cancel the transaction.
Me : Huh? What? What? Can repeat or not?
He: You tired right? So I cancel the movie tickets to watch Star Wars lah.
Me : Why you cancel? I never say anything what?
He : Cancel already...Next time lah.
He switched off the PC and watched TV.

And there I was standing alone, lonesome, teary eyes staring at the blank PC......hitting my head on the wall!!! So Now you know why I am kicking myself hard. Out you damn frozen brain! Who else can I blame right? I should have taken Bulan's offer to unfreeze at Vista Point. *sigh*

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