Tuesday, May 24, 2005

As usual, I am suffering from brain freeze when it comes to report writing. It is darn hard work. But things have to get done. Well, this is a short week and I will not be in office most of the week. Isn't that fun???? So this means another sad thing, I will not be able to update my precious blog...and worst still will not be able to get my healthy dose of other people's life by blog-hopping. hehehe.....

Anyway, starting from tomorrow evening to Friday, I'll be around the East of Singapore. So one of you (at least will see me insya'allah tomorrow night or Thursday) I'll give you a call. It's our secret ok? And so sorry for the blunder. Now, you know why I am blur queen....hehehe.

Now, it is really obvious (to me at least) that my brain is frozen. I cannot think. I am just typing this away without thinking. Ok...I think I better be going. Need my shot of caffeeinnnnneeee.....badly. "Ah soh, one cup of kopi strong ah.."

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