Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Today is my purrrrrrfect weather. Simply love this, cool temperature. Wish the weather continues like this all year long. 8) Perfect weather to go out for a stroll, without breaking a sweat. Perfect weather to dine outdoors and just sit around in the park and enjoy.....hmmm, splendid isn't it?

This weather really puts me in a dreamy kind of mood. It makes me feel like a teenager in a body of a 30 something. Makes me feel like going back in time. Not to change anything but just to experience it once more, the age of innocence. My teenage years were very protected. I had a very protected adolescent life, where outings with fellow friends were very limited. Strange as it may sound, my parents never prevented me from going out with friends. I guess I am all along a homely kinda girl, who preferred staying at home, reading my Virginia Andrews or Sydney Sheldons than watching movies with friends my age.

Maybe I could call myself - Minah jiwa-jiwa or Minah Syiok Sendiri. On rainy days like these, I remembered returning home quickly from school. I hardly stayed back in school to chitchat with friends or dropped by Far East Plaza to 'cuci mata' with boys from ACS, SJI or RI. So I was a very low profile member of a very high profile school where many of the Malay girls there are no strangers to the media.

And I remembered, when I returned home - I'll be alone most of the time since my parents would only reach home about 2 hours after me. And I would just lie on my bed, switched on the radio...at that time 98.7 was the only HOT channel! Take a story book and read and imagine that I was the beautiful, gorgeous, drop-dead heroine in the story. Ahhhh, those were the time when the only deadline was to do your homework, memorise formulas, study for tests and exams. Nothing else. My job was only to study. Need money ask Daddy. Not need to justify also. Maybe that's why until now I am such a lazy BUM. 8)

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