Thursday, August 18, 2005

August is the time that Breastfeeding Families around the World Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week 2005. Before August comes to an end, I'd like to share my stories as a breastfeeding & "pump-at-work" mom - just to give some encouragement, if I may, to some of you who are expecting your first child or those who would want to try out breastfeeding for their future children. 8)

I am not a breastfed child. According to my mum, I didn't want to. I was born in the early 70s, during the time of "two is enough" and "milk powder is best". And when as a newborn, I seemed like I did not want her milk, the nurses took the easy way out and advised her to give milk powder to me. I used to joke to my mom and said that I am more a cow's child than a human's child. But I knew, at the point in time when my mom made the decision to feed me with powder milk, she had my interest in mind. Since there was no support for her to try and breastfeed me, she was akin to being put to a corner and left with the option of starving her baby or feeding her powder milk. She chose the best option at that time.

The climate for breastfeeding was slightly different when I was pregnant with my firstborn, 25 years on. I had friends who just gave birth, tried breastfeeding and shared with me their experiences as a new mom . I read many books from childbirth, breastfeeding, how to nurture a baby and many more. I joined internet mothers group. I have been with asiaparents and cyberibu for many years. I received many information about breastfeeding, its advantages and challenges. I had a good support base, compared to my mom. So I was able to prepare myself mentally, physically and emotionally.

One of the magical moment of giving birth, is to see your child for the first time and feed her immediately. I was fortunate to have a wonderful gynae, who understood that and my firstborn was put to breastfed immediately. It was magical seeing a new born naturally know how to suckle without being taught or guided. My first born was a natural and so were my other three. A lot of people told me that after giving birth you'd feel exhausted - but I felt high, I felt energetic. Tiredness only sink in a few hours later.

In 1997, when I had my firstborn, breastfeeding was not as hype as it is now. Only those who specifically left instruction for the child to be totally breastfed, would get a chance to breastfeed. Otherwise, it was "naturally" bottle fed. And even if you left special instruction like that, some nurses took the liberty to bottle feed your child. Even in the late 90s, nurses were still more pro powder milk and took breastmilk as an inferior alternative.

I remembered having a minor disagreement with a nurse who told me to monitor the time taken for my newborn to breastfeed. 15 mins per side she said...I found no logic in that. I remembered also a time, when a nurse told me that I had inverted me worried for a while but it turned out to be nothing. I went on breastfeeding 8 more years with that so called inverted thingy - and I am still breastfeeding my 16 months baby. I also remembered a nurse telling me that I was "spoiling" my baby by breastfeeding - that caused me to smirk at her remark. The support was not still not there at that time but I pulled through - most probably being an obstinate taurus.

Anyway, I have written quite a lot today, don't want to bore you. I can go on and on about my favourite topic, you know. I'd continue tomorrow on issues like why I disagree with the nurses' comments above and many more. And if you have any questions about breastfeeding, childbirth or "mothering", please feel free to ask. I'm in the mood of answering questions. Oh, and if you have friends who are having problems with pumping at work, I can help too - I have a total of 8 years experience in breastfeeding and pump-at-work and also 3 years of tandem nursing. hehehe - just in case, they are into credentials. Meanwhile, have great day ahead. 8)

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