Thursday, August 11, 2005

This morning, I got myself angry because I could not find something. When I reach office, still half fuming mad, I got a subtle reminder from HIM, Allah the most merciful. Life is short, why waste it on anger, frustration, hatred and envy. No one knows whether today will be his or her last day alive. No one.

But humans, being mere mammals in weak flesh, are constantly blinded by frivolous things that surrounded us. We backstab others. We wish bad things would befell others. We gossip. We ignore. We create some fallacy about some individuals. We clawed our way up. We shoot, bomb and kill. We are the champion, we cry out. We forget that today, maybe, just maybe, would be the last for us. And yet, we don't have the conscious to reflect on all our doings or undoings.

I am not saying that I am a perfect individual, a saint who has the right to condemn humans in general. Unfortunately for me, I, too, fall into the trap of being perfectly or rather imperfectly human. We live in a total imperfect world but given the brains that we have, the least we could do is generate some wisdom. Yet, brains we have but wisdom we lack. We fight over things that actually do not matter over the long run. We fail to see the bigger picture. We fail to see that at the end of the day, we should not be fighting against ourselves, we should be helping each other in getting the best. How best we can fulfill each other's need. How best we can cherish our relationship with one another. How best we can achieve our common goal of happiness in eternity.

Life is short. Every minute of our life is numbered. I have wasted this morning being angry over nothing. I know this was not the only time when time was wasted just by succumbing to qualities that bear no fruit like envy, jealousy, impatience, impudence and many more human weaknesses. I do not know how long I'd live and whether I'd see the sunset today or sunrise tomorrow. And yet, I failed miserably in acknowledging this fact. They say, the best is yet to come or save the best for last. What happens if your time is up before the best comes? What happens when you reach the point of no return? Regret? Remorse? Numb? I dunno. And I wish I wouldn't get to know.

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