Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yesterday, Singapore turns 40. Not that old for a nation...only 7 years older than me. I was here in Singapore, celebrating our nation's birthday, quietly at home. I didn't go any where. I was just looking for greener pasteur for my blog...but I am back here again to Nothing beats a place you call home, like is to my blog, home is my Singapore.

Before 9/11, we wanted to leave this place we call home, to a place where we thought the grass would be greener, where the weather is much cooler and where we could live in a more relaxed pace. As fate has it, the unfold of events made us change our mind. The political climate in that other country changed against our favour and made us reconsider our plans. Through the turmoil caused by 9/11, the people of Singapore was still one happy nation, celebrating each other differences in race and religion. We, Muslims, still live peacefully alongside the Christians, Taoist, Hindus and Buddhist. We, Muslims, did not suffer as much backlash as our Muslims brothers and sisters in other countries, especially the West. Our mosques and places of congregation were unharmed. Our children can still go to madrasahs with their aurat covered.

Of course, it is without a doubt that Singapore does have its weaknesses. Of course, the standard of living is high. Of course, the prices of cars are exorbitant. The list of grievances of fellow Singaporeans is endless. But generally, one has to agree that living in Singapore is a breeze. For 40 years, we have been living peacefully and growing old together.

Some might say that complaining is a negative trait common among Singaporeans. Nonetheless, it has proven to be quite an effective catalyst for change. When someone complain publicly in the ST forum, the next thing we will definitely see is some change, maybe not big but a little. There will be some change. And I like that. It made me feel that someone is actually listening. I heard that in some countries, when they see a letter of complaint, it just get thrown away.

I am not ashamed (and I shouldn't be) of being patrotic to my own country. Afterall, this is the place that I was born, this is the place where I grew up, got married, raise a family. And although the future is so uncertain, nobody knows what is going to happen next, whether the Singapore I know will remain as it is or change for the better or for the worse, there will be somewhere in my heart, a special place for my homeland. I may be still searching for that greener pasteur but my home will still be here in Singapore....just like will be home to my blog.

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