Monday, September 19, 2005

Rambling Moments

I have been wanting to update this blog for a long time...but time for it was extremely scarce. Last week, after our short holiday at Genting (Yes, Genting again!), all of us got our holiday extended. Mine, being the longest - I just came back to office this morning after being away for an extended period of 1 week. Because the whole family came down with conjunctivitis or "pink" eyes.

So all of us were at home most of the last week, doing things that we don't usually do on normal school days. We had lots of fun, Dh & I had lots of reading done. So it was a blessing in disguise, though there were times when I thought my eyeballs were going to jump out of their sockets when I had to prostrate during prayers. On the whole, alhamdullilah, our school holidays got extended. 8)

But I did go round Woodlands last week so if you did spot me, with my sunglasses on but I did not smile or acknowledge you, I am so sorry because the sunglasses are without degrees so I am basically half blind or extremely "potek" when I walked around Woodlands. I was at Vista Point a couple of times and if, only if, I did not have the "infectious" eyes, I would have called some of you who just live a stone's throw and we can go eat at Banquet.

I did find out some new things about Vista Point. The meat at Vista Point Wet market is more expensive than Admiralty market, although the stall sells more variety and has all those instant rempah....and I also found out that the vegetables at Vista Point Wet Market is far, far more expensive that at Admiralty market. So I am sticking to Admiralty market but of course, if you are looking for cheaper stuff and fresh - I'd have to recommend Seng Siong (sp??). But please check the expiry dates. 8p

And I was also at Woodlands Mart, a couple of time. Our dear Doctors are there. And everytime, I go there. I think of you, my dear friend Tipah - who live just a walking distance from that place. I just realised that some renovation was done to the coffee shops. And Spidey, I just found out who the Arabic Tutor that you were mentioning about - could it be the same person? And where have you been hiding? Stuck in your own web? hehehehe....

I am once again rambling nonsense here - but that is one of the purpose of my blog. To allow me to ramble, as long as it is within the law - no discriminating, defaming remarks - within the Sedition Act - no harm done. So will sign off here and will be back soon, insya'allah. So have a great day! 8)

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