Monday, September 12, 2005

I've Been Memed!

So I am back in Singapore, after a short holiday across the Causeway. And Ms mumbles memed me.

Three Random Facts about myself you don't know:
1) I also don't really know WHO I really AM..hehehe. There were many times that I surprised myself like giving birth to 4 children, like standing up to people who took me for granted. Maybe because I underestimate myself most of the time.

2) I have a very short attention span and get bored easily. So I cannot do a project for a long period of time - maybe this may be the reason why I may not be a good stay at home mom. 8p But this is also my strength. Because I get bored easily, I am always looking for new skills to learn.

3) I am afraid of many things...the dark especially. If I am sleeping alone, I would switch on the light. And I have never read a horror story or watch a horror movie. And the last time, I went to Genting with my family, I accompanied my daughter to this place (gosh, I cannot remember what it is called) like a haunted tunnel or what and my daughter had her eyes open throughout the 3 mins or so ride but this 33 year old mother of 4 had her eyes closed and reciting all sorts of doas that she can I am really a penakut. Penakut makhluk halus aje....dengan manusia berani. hehehehe.

So Ms Mumbles, I'm supposed to tag five more is it? I am rather new at this so here goes. The 5 very lucky ones :-
1) lizanoor
2) shesays
3) bulan
4) mrsbeki
5) spidey

And sincere apologies for the 'heavy' subject for my previous postings, I hope no damage done - brain or otherwise...hehehe. 8)

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