Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Geylang Encounter....

So, the whole troop reached Geylang in one piece yesterday night. After iftar and solat maghrib, we made our way from the North to East of Singapore. We were quite surprised that there were actually not as crowded as we expect. It is like to going to a normal Pasar Malam.

The children loved walking underneath the mega-lights of Geylang, soaking in the Ramadhan atmosphere. They behave magnificently yesterday. Although, they fasted the whole day, they still had the energy to walk the full length of the bazaar - from City Plaza to the end of Geylang Serai Market and then back to Tanjong Katong Complex. Usually, at least 2 of them would ask to be carried but fortuntely, not this time.

I wished I had brought my camera or video-cam. I could have captured some beautiful moments there. We managed to view the whole light up at the overhead bridge at Joo Chiat Complex. Maybe it was a weekday, there were hardly anyone taking the overhead bridge so the children, with eyes bright and mouths agape, had the bridge just to themselves as they viewed the activities of the bazaar below. They did not want to get down for maybe about 10 mins or so. I, too, felt like a child when I was up there. It brought back nostalgic feelings about Geylang. I feel kinda sad looking at the HDB blocks which I think will be demolished soon. The same block of flats that I would always see in the 80s as I sat in a trishaw with Nenek & Mak after their marketing at Geylang.

Suddenly, I remembered the Raja Lelong - a place where Abah would come by to get a shirt, shoes or anything at dirt cheap price. I wonder whether Raja Lelong is still there. I remembered the morning breakfast at the Hawker Center, either a bubur ayam for me or Soto ayam. I remembered peering into the holed walls of the wet market to get a glimpse of Mak doing her rounds as I waited outside near the stalls that sold kuih because I hated the wet, dirty floor. I remembered in the 80s when the Malaysian Ringgit was higher than the Singapore Dollars, the Malaysians would flocked in bus loads to Geylang to do their shopping. And, the shop keepers there would sing the "Dia datang" song. This was the Market where I was introduced to buah salak, kuih tepong gomak and telur penyu.

It felt good being there yesterday. We did get some hari raya shopping done. We lost track of time when we were there. Just because there were still so many people around, we thought it was still early until we checked the time and it was almost 11pm. We had fun at Geylang Serai. My children want to go there again. Me & HB too. 8) Maybe, we make another trip there on Friday night. Hope, it won't be so crowded.


Anonymous said...

Dearie, finally dapat ku bersua muka dengan mu...walaupun sekejap, ku rasa so happy...heeheehee...Thanks eh

MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Waaahhh *angkat2 kening* gi geylang ek? Set, jumpa u kat sana on Friday k! ahaks..

Ely said...

yup i remember the bubur ayam and raja lelong! my parents use to go to geylang when i was young and i would wait at home for my bubur ayam or nasi ayam.

sigh...over here nak bubur ayam, gotta cook it myself!

Anonymous said...

Salam Mubarak. minal aidin wal faizin

jalan ke geylang terserempak lailatul qadar ? kecuali orang dan gerai

ANZED said...

Wah.. gi geylang. I takut nak gi sana. Phobia maybe. I kalau gi Bazaar dia, I slalu pitam. Poor ventilation agaknya. I kan a low blood patient. Tempat banyak orang cam tu, I takleh angkat! Tapi nak jgak gi. Ntah bila eh. Belum raya nie, mesti turun nya... Insya'Allah. SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF DZAHIR & BATIN!

Aliyah said...

salamz BQ.

wah! geylang with family? no crowds? how nice. hope to BUMP into you tonite. ;-)

selamat menyambut lebaran yg bakal tiba. mohon maaf zahir dan batin. ;-)

peacehaslina said...

'EID Mubarak. Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Anonymous said...

Selamat hari raya to you and family ... maaf zahir dan batin ... please email me your phone number dear .. I had lost my hp my whole phonebook is in there ...

MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Salam lebaran to you & family.