Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ramadhan Mubarak

Tomorrow marks the 1st day of Ramadhan 1426 Hijrah. Tonight, Muslims in Singapore will commence our tarawih prayers. How fast time flies. This year will be the 2nd year, we fast without my father. Only 3 Ramadhan back, we had our iftar together. None of us knew that Ramadhan 1424 would be his last Ramadhan with us. It is times like this that memories start flooding back. We have to move on with life but the sense of something is missing still prevails.

I have many hopes for this Ramadhan. Like most Muslims here, I hope that my Ramadhan this year will be better than the previous ones. I hope that my family can perform the tarawih prayers more frequently together. I hope that I will have the discipline to read the Quran every day - at least 10 verses. I hope to instill in my children the lessons that we can learn from Ramadhan.

It is indeed heartwarming to sense the excitement in my children as they become aware that Ramadhan is approaching. My children are NOT forced to fast - but I encouraged them to try and experience Ramadhan the way adults do. I believe that in order to educate our children on the ways of Islam, the teaching of Ramadhan has to be taught way before Ramadhan comes. I am glad my children know that Ramadhan means waking up early for Sahur, breaking fast at Maghrib and performing solat tarawih. I am glad they know that fasting means feeling hungry and thirsty. Everyone who fast will definitely feel hungry and thirsty.

I do tell them that they are not required to fast the whole day and they can have access to food any time they want. And it is usually me who underestimate the willpower of my children. So I find it amazing that my children, at the age of 4 have the willpower to fast the whole day. When I was young, I never could fast the whole day. I only started to fast the whole day maybe a year or two before I reached puberty.

Some people may say that to train a child to fast is akin to child abuse. I agree with this only if there was coercion. If the child was threatened and punished for not fasting - then yes, it could be considered child abuse. But if the child was already taught about Ramadhan and the child want to do it on her own, I'd say Alhamdullilah.

Fasting is one of the pillars of faith in Islam. Just like Solat, we, parents are required to teach our children to start praying before they reached puberty so that the act of solat becomes a part of their daily rituals. Similarly with fasting, I believe as parents we should train our children as early as possible so they know and appreciate the meaning of Ramadhan.

Ramadhan comes only once a year, only 29 days. I hope that I'll be able to fulfill what I aim for this year. Insya'allah. And to my dear Muslim friends, Ramadhan Mubarak!


Anonymous said...

salam dear sis

yup @ Aloha Loyang.

My 1st n 2nd sitis start puasa wen dey r 4 years, buka n sahur even terawih oso, unlike my 3rd she started to fast when she's 6 years old, i dont force them really, but his father allegory abt Ramadhan psycho them, Alhamdulillah my 3 sitis acquire our monologue, well sis it base on the child, some dgr kata some liat nak dgr kata some dah terlebih dgr kata, btw do u think i'm torturing my kids when they r tt age?

Ramadhan Mubarak!!!

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

kak sk - I dun think you are torturing the children. My 1st & 2nd daughters also started fasting at 4. 8) "Psyco them" as in teach them, train them - I think that is a good way.

The reason why I think it is important to train a child from young is because I know of certain Muslim individuals who sampai dah baligh pun tak tahan nak puasa. As a result, they don't puasa at all -only waiting for Eid to come & celebrate.

Mamafai said...

Ramadhan Mubarak to you too sis!

MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Ramadhan Mubarakh!

Anonymous said...

to you too, kak! :)

Anonymous said...

Have a Blessed Ramadhan,my friend!

Anonymous said...

Ramadhan Mubarak to u too!
yummy kan fwies~

Anonymous said...

Selamat berposa BQ ... Pray for me dear sis ... missing my dad real badly now ... I don't wanna think bout sahur and iftar and tarawih without him, but th thoughts just came ... I'm so weak ... :(

Lynna said...

Ramadhan Mubarak To You & Family

Aliyah said...

*bags face*

alamak! i so malu. i young2 curik2 makan all becos kena psycho dgn my younger bro. MALU!! *LOL*

anyway, RAmadhan Mubarak to you n family!

Anonymous said...

adik lagi takut kak bila dia halau my fren..dia insist having one to one treatment...

Selamat Berpuasa

Anonymous said...

selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa, sis! :)

Alles-Lila said...

selamat berpuasa, kak

yes, corpse bride is suitable for kids

Lynnette said...

ramadhan mubarak to u

Raihana Ab said...

have a blessed ramadhan

Anonymous said...

ramadhan mubarak to u n yr family.