Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Girls Vs Boys

I cannot compare. I have only daughters so when my friends tell me about their boys, how hyperactive boys are and the "difficulty" of looking after them - I have no comments. Neither could I emphatise. Those who are fortunate, to have the experience of raising both boys and girls seemed to be able to see the difference. The difference is glaring, they say. You have to be blind if you cannot see it.

Boys, they say, cannot keep still. Girls, on the other hand, are easier to handle and more matured. Like I said, I cannot compare. My girls are boisterous, active and I think I have seen some of the friends' boys who are much quieter than they are.

My girls have put me attune to my feminine side. I am not into make up, dressing up and unlike other girls, I hate all those frilly, lacy, princess alike clothes. I never played with dolls - even though Mak bought me many Barbie dolls since I am the only girl in the family.

Well, my girls are so different from their ever-so-practical Mom. They are into PINK....for heaven's sake, why can't it be RED, YELLOW or GREEN! They are into making up and dressing up, you know with all those hairbands and clips and what-have-yous accessories. And slowly - yes slowly, I find myself transforming into actually liking, prefering all these girly stuffs. For example, our latest Raya Clothes were all PINK....even HB!

I used to rationalise, reason why I am blessed with girls. A scientific answer would be HB shooting the XXs! A spiritual or meta-physics sort of explanation would be Allah knows best. I had a miscarriage in 1998 and till now, I believe the baby I lost is a boy. I used to think that having a boy as the eldest would be the ideal. Then I had a girl and another girl and another girl and another girl. It is not that I have lost hope in having a boy, maybe in the future, if God is willing but I have surrendered to fate. I know how it feels to hope and not get what you hope for. I don't like the feeling.

It is heartening when we go out and friends would pat HB on his back and said "You are wealthy, man. Look 4 girls. Your future is secured. When you are old, you have no worries, man!" And I'd say a silent prayer...alhamdullilah.


ANZED said...

Hi dear. Thanks for your words of encouragement in my blog. Hope I can pass cepat2 eh...
Mungkin blum ada rezeki for boys yet. Me... the only NZboy in the family was really an "accident". I don't know I was expecting him until he's 15 weeks in my tummy!!! But Alhamdulillah.. U try lagi lah... who knows, Insya'Allah kali nie... you'll get boyS (twins)

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

mummynz - TWINS??!!! buat seram aje..not trying lah...if it happens, it happens. :)

Salha - awak ingat kita takde keje lain ke? so how's your new job? Best tak? ;)

Anonymous said...

raising a boy n a girl...yes! they do have diffrences ..kekkee