Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Changing Perspective

I think I am getting old. I just don’t understand the same language as these single-tons. I can’t seem to be able to see things in their perspectives. We no longer share the same wavelength. Just because I am married with children and they are singles – even though we belong to the same age group, we just can’t seem to understand one another.

Maybe after I got married, my views changed tremendously. I don’t know. Maybe I hold an archaic view that we, humans are created in pairs - that men are created for women and women for men. Maybe it is my religious background.

Working in a predominately female environment, there is no lack of single women in this entire building. In fact, there are plenty. They range from the younglings 20 something to the matured 40-50 something. I respect their decisions not to get married and raise families of their own. It may be due to some failed relationships resulting in the loss of trust towards men. But what I found puzzling is some of their views towards commitment and marriage is so-so……I just cannot find the right word – uncanny?

I thought when a man shows that he is committed, that he is not making use of you and is serious about marriage and having a family, he sounds like a good catch – someone who is a husband material and who can potentially become someone you can grow old with. So I find it strange that the single women I know get turned off by men that fall within this category. Most of them consider these men as “Desperados”.

I get remarks like “I don’t need a man to make me feel complete.” “I am sure you know that we don’t need to get married to have sex.” “Men are stupid and I’d rather play with them then be committed”. No wonder more and more Singaporean men are going to Vietnam and China just to get married. Because Singaporean women just wanna have fun!

Initially, I did not believe a friend who told me that it is difficult to get a girlfriend to be committed to a relationship. He is disillusioned with Singaporean girls. Being a staunch Catholic, he told me that “Most Singaporean girls are just happy to jump into bed with any man with no strings attached. They would rather have you just treat them as sex objects than have a committed serious relationship.” Maybe, he is correct. I hope not.

Things have changed but not for the better. Yes, in terms of economics and education – we have made improvements in leaps and bounds but our values have gone down by that same leaps and bounds. Starting a family, getting married is no longer one of the top priorities of Singapore singles. It appears that most singles are just working to get personal satisfaction – they don’t see the need to share their lives with a significant other.

One single-ton once told me,” If I am lonely and need sex, I just call a man who is more than happy to come by. If I am lonely and need a child, I just adopt. I don’t need a husband to make my life complicated. I am just happy being single.” Somehow, that remark made me feel sad for her.


Blur Queen aka BQ said...

lizanoor - The singles that I'm referring to here are not muslims. But what I don't get it is that they would rather be "used" by men for sex than get married and raise a family.

And I notice that my Non-Muslim Male friends are actually keen to settle down and have families but the Female ones are not. I just find it weird because I always thought it is the girls who always want to settle down.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

lizanoor - I got one v. good husband material but kesian, no single women here have time for him. You think your friends nak get to know him tak? He's quite handsome - tapi poor thing bila jumpa pompan yang dia suka, he just freeze up! 8)

Anonymous said...

freeze up? i thot girls like shy guys?? :D

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Shesays - mmm, you mean you like shy guy?? 8P When I was single and available, I like guys who suka jeling-jeling...heheh

mama tasya said...

looks lyke women these days prefer careers than marriage...haiyah!!such philosophy they have there!!

Asha said...

I guess that's how it is with the singles these days especially here in singapore. Sad but true.

Al Sayf said...

If I am lonely and need sex, I just call a man who is more than happy to come by.

Give her 20 more years and don't say a man... even a cow would reject her. Stim kering lah nampaknya.

From my observation, the majority of women who choose not to get married are usually proud about it when they are younger. But as they age, they become grumpy, whiny aunties who are really unbearable to be around with sometimes. I know this because I'm a gigolo. *alamak... pecah lobang*

Brain to self: Dude, if your wife reads this, you will die.
Self to brain: I know. I better delete this. How ah? Press this eh?
Brain to self: Dude, no!! That's the "Login and Pub...

Asha said...

Thanks for the link. Don't think I'm returning the favour; I wanted to do it some time ago just that you overtook me. :)

Ps: You are worth the read and I like your thoughts.

Hope you had a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

my fren kat sini pulak they also say the same thing...kalau tak kawin,adopt je anak...

but my fren kat sini mostly belum kawin...and there are all older than me..around 26+


Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Al-sayf - Yup, agree with you.

The Woman - I saw the link. 8)

PutriDiana - Apa khabar dek? So long no see. 8)