Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Desperate Measure

This blog is in dire need for some good entries. The blog-ger here is in no mood to write. The ideas are there - popping up when the blog-ger is in the loo, walking towards the MRT, standing in queue to buy food. Yeah, the ideas are there - but the blog-ger has no mood to even write it down. Yeah, they would make almost good entries, not funny, but worth archiving for future reads.

So the blog-ger is getting a little bit desperate as the blog-ger does not like the idea of a blog that has entries that have gone stale. You know it is not nice to serve your guest "readers" stale entries. So the blog-ger decided to do a little ex-pe-ri-ment - writing whatever that comes to mind. ah ah ah ah ah...yeah, including those pausing moments that we all have when we try to write something that makes sense or trying to make sense of what we write.

*Pause* *Blank* *The Mind is blank* *Blog-ger is simply staring at the screen*

Now, actually the blog-ger is in a blog-ging dilemma. The blog-ger could write something really juicy, gossips kind of juicy like Desperate Housewives kind of JUICY - using blog-ger's JUICY imagination since blog-ger has not watched a single episode of Desperate Housewives but watched the endless adverts of the show where everyone says JUICY while doing something involving APPLES. So blog-ger thought that to spice up the B.O.R.I.N.G blog, blog-ger could write a local version or a belacan version of JUICY. Maybe have a group of Hanyut Mats and Minahs do something with Belacan and they could mouth the word "BAU" in the most sensuous way. So there's a suggestion for SURIA to consider for their next HANYUT adverts! heh.

*mind blank* Seriously, blog-ger doesn't know what to write next. *mind blank*

So blog-ger is scrolling up and down to see whether enough has been typed to consider a decent entry. *giggles to herself* *shaking her head* *She heard a whisper - such a ludicrous entry* But blog-ger does not care. This is after all an ex-pe-ri-ment.

Blog-ger would rather have a stupid entry that a No ENTRY. Hmmm, that doesn't sound right. But blog-ger is assuming that the readers understand.. oh! at least the blog-ger who also happens to be this blog reader understand. Yep, I understand.

See, how desperate blog-ger is for a blog entry? Desperate Measure = Stupid Entry.


Al Sayf said...

Blog-ger would rather have a stupid entry that a No ENTRY.

Yelah... yelah... I know lah. My entries all nonsense. *step tersinggung terus nyangkong atas dahan pokok frangipani... kesedihan*

PS: Oh... please proofread your entry can? It should be "than" not "that". Malas kan nak check? Kenapa malas?!! Mana rotan?!! *eksen carik rotan step pakcik-pakcik garang kat Masjid Sultan*

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Al sayf - Aik! Why you terasa ke? hehehe

ya, memang malas to proof read! Go lah carik your rotan. heh

Asha said...

Sheesh... my sentiments exactly. Sort of 'blogger's block' or something.

Anonymous said...

hahaha...blogging has become a chore.