Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Simple Pleasures

I was memed by Lizanoor. Thank you, sis. 8) At least I have something to update.hehe. Anyway, the truth is I was on course for 1 week and did not have any access to computer during the day. I do have access at night but I was too busy doing other things so I put my blogging activities on hold.

So here goes….10 simple pleasures (start yawning – it is pretty boring and normal..hehe)

Pleasure 1 : Waking up in the morning and knowing that I am still alive and seeing those I love still breathing next to me.

Pleasure 2: Kissing my children

Pleasure 3: Getting a scent of my youngest “baby smell” when she just wakes up. Hmmm…Best!

Pleasure 4: Remembering my other 3 older children’s smell when they were young.

Pleasure 5: Getting and Giving hugs to the special people in my life

Pleasure 6: Sipping my morning coffee.

Pleasure 7: Sitting by the beach, looking at the waves, enjoying the scent of the sea, taking deep breaths

Pleasure 8: When it rains and I am not working!

Pleasure 9: 5:29:30 – Count down to 5.30pm when I knock off from work

Pleasure 10: Just being with people who I care

Anybody fell asleep?….zzzzzzzz 8p


Aliyah said...

not yet!

go on list down all the pleasures...im still reading. ;-)

have a nice day siz!

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

aliyah! Nice to hear from you sis! 8)