Monday, August 21, 2006

Don't take Religion out of the Equation

Recently, our Malay-Muslim community led a campaign to address the community’s problem on pre-marital sex among our teenagers. It was called “Lebih Seksi Katakan Tidak” (More Sexy to Say No). For those who may not be aware, the campaign, which I believe was initiated by a Malay-Muslim organisation, just ended. Apparently, as highlighted by the Malay Media, the campaign received positive feedback from teenagers, which is good.

However, you may have read comments made by some Ustaz on this issue indicating that the campaign is only touching the symptoms but not the root cause of the problem. I couldn’t help but to agree with them. If you have watched the Berita on Suria and heard the responses given by these teenagers, it is troubling to see that the message that these teenagers get is that pre-marital sex is dangerous. Period. That’s all. They went on to say that you can get unwanted pregnancies, you can get STDs. I did not hear any of the interviewed teenagers (albeit being Muslims) mentioned that it is a big sin. None. Ziltch. Pre-marital sex or zina is a very big sin if you are a Muslim but no one even say anything of it. Isn’t this a basic knowledge in Islam?

I mean we teach our children, from young that eating pork is haram, just like drinking alcohol and gambling. These are the fundamental no-nos in Islam and yet when it comes to zina, why do we keep mum? I am sure some of us remember the big issue some Muslims have about dogs being in a taxi until it was even brought up in ST Forum. The nose and saliva of dogs is najis. And najis can be cleaned – yet, there was a fuss. But zina is bigger than najis, yet the approach to making that known lacks lustre.

Last Saturday morning, I heard an interview on Warna about this campaign and the best approach that parents should take on how to talk about sex to their children. Then, a radio DJ made a comment that I think should not be even mentioned on public radio. He said that the old approach of telling our children that pre-marital sex is “dosa besar” (big sin) could not be used anymore. He went on to say that it is obsolete to say such thing. And why not? I asked. Aren’t we Muslims, in the first place? How can something that is forbidden by Allah be obsolete?

Maybe, he meant to say that parents should no longer just say it is a big sin to zina but should also elaborate on why it is haram, and he did not get to say it on air because of time constraint. Maybe. I would have accepted that. Just like how we explain to our children why eating pork, drinking alcohol and gambling are haram because they cause more harm than good and many other scientific or non-scientific evidence to support these rules. It is our responsibility as Muslim parents to educate and guide our children. And wouldn’t it be considered a “dosa besar” if we, parents keep quiet and do not explain why zina is a big sin to our teenage children?

I hope, by writing this, I am not seen as trying to picture myself as holier than others - because I am not. I am just a concerned mother of 4 children (plus another one on the way, insya’allah). And I am concerned about what our future generation will be. I think if you are a parent, you should be.

I have the impression that the campaign was designed to take religion out of the equation. And I hope, I am not right and it is just an oversight by the organiser. It is, after all, done with good intent. And I am sure, this campaign is the beginning of many more to come as our community addresses this pertinent problem.

Islam is a way of life. We all know that. And being a way of life, we can never take Islam out of any of our campaigns, especially if it is focussed to cater to our Malay-Muslim community. To me, the root of the decay of morals among our Muslim teenagers, is the lack of basic Islamic knowledge. This is further aggravated by other factors such as lack of parental guidance, lack of knowledge on the part of parents and peer pressure. But parents have to bear the brunt of the responsibility if ever their teenagers get strayed. Because if we remember correctly our Prophet Muhammad saw once said that our children are born pure, like a white cloth, it is up to us to paint the colours on them and turn them into good Muslims. So parents, remember our responsibility and lets do our part.

PS : I cannot remember the actual hadiths. If you have reference to this famous hadiths, please share. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Every child is born Muslim

Hadith - Bukhari 2.440, Narrated Ibn Shihab

Abu Huraira, narrated that the Prophet said, "Every child is born with a true faith (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone) but his parents convert him to Judaism or to Christianity or to Magainism, as an animal delivers a perfect baby animal. Do you find it mutilated?"

Then Abu Huraira recited the holy verse: "So set you (O Muhammad SAW) your face towards the religion of pure Islâmic Monotheism Hanifa (worship none but Allâh Alone) Allâh's Fitrah (i.e. Allâh's Islâmic Monotheism), with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in Khalq­illâh (i.e. the Religion of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism), that is the straight religion, but most of men know not. [Tafsir At­Tabarî, Vol 21, Page 41] " (30.30)

PS>> pls correct me if this is incorrect.

Another one on the way...A'lhamdullilah. Congrats,sis!

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Syukran Sis Kuntum! And long time no hear eh? 8)

Anonymous said...

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Every child is born intrinsically believing in God, but his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a Magi,” (cited in al-Siuti, vol. 2, hadith No. 6356) i.e. every newborn is born with spontaneous belief in almighty God and surrendering to him.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “God created people to be intrinsically believing, but they were deceived by the devils.” (Cited in Muslim, hadith No. 2637)

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Bro AL , since when you become a no 1 winx club fan? ;)

Anonymous said...

Now, this entry is one that you seldom come across nowadays.
Having a daughter myself, this is a big issue. People can make such a fuss on the so called "Fairy Tale Wedding of The Year"....why not make a real issue on basic Islamic knowledge....spread the word, and I don't think it would go far <:^(

PS: No. 4! I tot the hint in entry 'Short Circuit' was just talk ;P . Not funny.....never mind.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Su sayang, this one will be no 5, insya'allah. 8) No 4 dah 2 years old. hehe.

Anonymous said...

=OD ..... see, bukan u sorang blur. Sejak bloghopping ni....I pun jadik blur C{B-)

Wish u well & Semoga rezki turut bertambah.

Anonymous said...

as salamu`alaikum dear friend,

the 1st time i heard the slogan i felt my stomach twist. it was just after subuh very early in the morning. i had a very uneasy feeling the whole time when they did an interview with a lady who was in charge of it. then, in my weekend class, my ustazah touched on it to and she was equally disappointed that nothing was mentioned dari segi hukum agama. it made me think, what is happening to our malay-muslim community? it's like subtly putting aside our religious obligation just to get through to the youngsters. like what my ustazah said, mana mak bapak budak2 ni semua? tido ke? she mentioned, the slogan should be changed to - memang samdol kalau katakan ya, or somewhere along that lines.

i may have all boys but i try to take great care in preparing them ukhrawi wise albeit the negativities we frequently encounter (some people find my kids "weird" when at their age they talk about halal/haram or even say the word insyaa allaah for that matter).

anyway, congratulations on the 5th. =)

Asha said...

Wait, tipah congratulated you on the 5th... God, tell me you're pregnant? If yes, then Congratulations to you! That's beautiful.

And regarding this topic... Maasha Allah BQ. You put it so well. Actually, I'm sorta bias against Suria channel and the MUIS itself... for some reasons. And i totally hate it when they have to suck up to the govt... then again, they don't have a choice don't they? Happens for a reason, maybe. But we all have to be answerable for our own deeds. Oh blah.. I guess I'll make a fool out of myself if i carry on. After all, they are in the entertainment industry.

Woah.. and please.. "I hope, by writing this, I am not seen as trying to picture myself as holier than others - because I am not." There. I hope you understand.

Have a nice day. And please.. tell me you're pregnant? I always get excited when someone expects a child. Don't know why.

pinkiecutepie said...

i needed some comfy words & i pay you a dearest sotong!!!! Alhamdulillah, padanlah ko asik tak ley jumper aku!!!! tahniah, sotong!!!! hehehe...5,eh? wah, aku ada banyak choice mana satu menantu aku..kekekekekeke.

Frankly speaking i don't like the slogan. i think ustzh rock nyer slogan lagi padat "memang samdol jika berpakaian sexy". Bukankah berpakaian sexy itu yg menyebabkan nafsu berleluasa? Itulah zina mata.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

The Woman - Yes, I am pregnant with no. 5. In my 2nd trimester already. Alhamdullilah. 8)

Tipah - It is said when we want to be good, there will be lots of challenges that we have to face, especially from other people. But we do not live for people, we live for Allah swt. And I always believe if our niat is to please HIM, insya'allah HE will take care of us. 8)

Pinkie - I like Ustazah Rock's slogan and when Tipah mentioned about her asking the whereabouts of the mak bapak, I agree with her. The target for the champaign should be the mak-bapak. Hammer the mak-bapak, hehe.

If you are free, we can meet up next week. I am ok now - otherwise, after a heavy meal I would throw up. heh. But even with the throwing up, I am still becoming an elephant. LOL.

Anonymous said...

kepo sket.....ustazah rock nih saper ah??