Yes. I have. I have been stung by that vicious four-letter word bug and it is driving me nuts. I hate it. All my projects, both work & personal, are held back. When I look at my table, which is surrounded by all sorts of papers, files, packets of food stuffs and packet drinks, and not forgetting today’s & yesterday’s newspapers, I just cannot figure out where to begin (so, as you can imagine, I am not a neat person. The stuffs on my desk can be referred to as an organised mess because only I can find things under all these heaps of papers) and to make matters worst, this four-letter word bug just kept on stinging me for the past weeks. Gosh, it must have been more than 4 weeks!
The bug has bit my brains. I am supposed to be intelligent and analytical but ever since the bug bit me, I could not figure out what is written in the documents that those other people sent me. It has become Greek to me! I still understand when I read the newspapers and do shed tears when I read about the woes in Lebanon but my brain just switch off when it is time to do w-e-r-k. Gee, I cannot even spell w-e-r-k properly! So please forgive my spelling. It is the bug.
Yeah, blame it on the bug. I was the exemplary w-e-r-k-e-r until this bug struck me. A hard-w-e-r-k-ing one, I must say. I think I have an aversion to w-e-r-k or anything that has w-e-r-k in it. But I notice something strange, though. When the bug stung me, my ability to weave in and out of other people’s blogs has improved two or three folds. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! What has the bug done to me? It has heightened my “kaypoh-ness” but reduced my productivity to w-e-r-k.
I need a doctor. Not a medical one, a mental one that can cure me of the four-letter word syndrome, to wash it out of my system, once and for all. And talking about systems, my 9 year old just reminded me that our body is also a system. Sorry, out of point. Now, coming back to the bug, the other parts of my body is getting temporary relief from the bug, as you can see, I can still type. But let me share with you, after this is published, it will sting again. After that, only my eyes, head and my right forefinger (which is required to click the mouse) will be exempted from the bug and can still move. The rest will stay in a sedentary position until lunch time! What a bum!
So I have become a bum. An office bum. But, don’t fret. I am a fighter. I will always fight for my rights. I used to be called “the office freedom fighter”. I mean I just don't get the title for doing nothing, you know. Maybe, I’ll write about that when I drive this bug away. Maybe. No promises, ok? So pray that I get this four-letter word bug out of my system quickly. I just don’t want to be LAZY anymore. So out LAZY out!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
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Now that you've mentioned the word... I think you just passed me the bug! :P
oh kena bug 'M'..tell me if hv found a remedy or found a doc who can cure the bug...
be ard rajin pple n u be rajin too?
Must be very contagious.....I seem to have it too.
Gosh, it always seems to infect me when I need the efficiency.
Must think choo choo train...."I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...."
Need a ride {=0)
Hello ladies
In case, you want to know whether I have managed to overcome the laziness - I am sorry but disappoint you with the fact that I am still Lazy. LOL!
Has,the people here (psst, in the offislah)just act rajin only...8p
office right?
jus act bz some work & relax...take your time...unless theres a deadline...
take care
Phew! Good thing that vicious 4 letter word was LAZY. I thought it was the other 4 letter word: MENTEL. :)
Oh wait... that's 6 letters. :'(
abusive_mind : Thanks for dropping by. You are a unique Nick! 8)
Al-sayf - Allo, brudder. You need tuition or not. I can provide free tuition for you and drill you in your spelling. Hmmm, where shall we start? Pre-school, perhaps! LOL!
Hahaha.....not funny ah?
abusive mind - Opps got should read, you have a unique nick. heh.
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