Monday, January 08, 2007

Just Another Entry

How time flies! Second week of 2007 is already here and we survive without a helper for 2 weeks. The timetable is hectic, especially now that school has started but we have done this before and we can do it again.

It is tiring - I have to admit but I target to sleep latest by 10pm everyday so at least I get ample rest before the next day. The house is not as clean or as organised as when there's help but the children get to learn that they have to do things on their own. I know my children are very independent at their age but when help was around constantly - they preferred just to let others do for them even the simplest things like hanging their clothes or towel or even arranging their shoes.

The very good thing about not having constant help around the house is that the children have to do things on their own. They know it is their responsibility to make sure their own things are in order. When children have to do things on their own, they tend to be more appreciative when help comes around. And they would understand why certain things need to get done. Otherwise, they have to bear with whatever the consequences.

To me, this is an important lesson to teach the children - life skills that can only be imparted through experiences. A part of me is actually glad we have to do things on our own. Of course, when I am tired at the end of the day, there’ll be lots of grumbling and complaining. I am, however, working on that. I need to control my temper and not make the state that I am in an excuse!

I read somewhere that even our Prophet Muhammad saw asked Allah swt to grant him patience. He made this dua at the end of every solat and he is the Prophet. SO being just a normal human being, full of flaws, I should be asking Allah to grant me even more patience.

On the work front, I am quite glad that everything is almost settled as I don’t like to leave jobs half done when I go on my maternity leave. A contrast to the chaos at home, the pace at work is manageable and I have more time to breathe and relax. I hope, with more time in my hands, I can write more often. 8)


the woman said...

Insya Allah, may Allah grant all of us patience.

Good to know that you're well.

Yara said...

Salam Sis,

I agree with you about teaching the kids to be responsible for their own things. We must impart this value to them sooner rather than later and it is good that you have the opportunity presented now without the helper at home. Like you said, we can grumble and complain but on the other hand Allah swt is actually providing us the opportunity to improve ourselves in a subtle way.

All the best with the 'condition' you are in and my dua for a smooth delivery. Allah bless.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Sal & Yara - Thanks for the doas. 8)

Anonymous said...

can you please holler when the new one arrives? perhaps then i can convoy with beydah and leyha to visit. ;)

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

tipah - will holler like Jane of the Jungle when the time comes. hehe

madame blossom said...

It's true, it's more relaxing at the office than at home, when you have to do all the work at home. But i guess, we just need time to adjust to the routine. Baru2 memang chaotic.

May you perservere. Ameen.

Respect betul dengan u... :)

oh ya, for madrasah u getting tuition for ur child?