Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I have 2 mak neneks at is 4 years old and the other is 3. Both are typical minahs...I don't know where they got the genes from. Definitely not from me!

If anyone were to tell me that their mothers or their makcik Timah or makcik Minah love to watch Malay soap operas...I'd say yup, that is what a typical makcik likes to do. But for a 4 or 3 year old child??? What would you say?

My 2 mak neneks can watch the whole Malay drama, understand the plot and better still..recite to their blur mama what the storyline is. These 2 mak neneks can quarrel with the sister (who by the way is 7) just because this 7 year old wants to watch Playhouse Disney and the other 2 want to watch Suria!

Just like on last Sunday afternoon, there was this Malay drama on Suria and my 2 mak neneks actually watched the whole show. The mummy was too busy feeding the baby so these 2 mak neneks recited the whole story to mummy. These 2 mak neneks also watched Anugerah when the mummy was just too dead tired. Mummy heard them making comments about which contestant was most beautiful and about the songs that they like!

Am I missing something here?? I don't know. I cannot remember being like these 2 mak neneks when I was at that age. The 2 mak neneks also destroyed mummy's compact powder into dusts and scraped whatever left of mummy's lipsticks...not only on themselves but on all the barbie dolls that they have and on Princess Fiona cushion...

*Sigh* What am I to do with these mak neneks! Kasi kawin sudah eh? *wink*

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