Thursday, July 15, 2004

I read, with sadness, about a mother who killed all her children; most of them before they even reach the age of one. I was wondering about her frame of mind when she killed each and everyone of them. Wallahu'alam. It is heart breaking to imagine that a mother can do such thing. It was mentioned that she did not show any sign of remorse after each kill. I cannot even imagine. Nevertheless,as Muslims, we know that the children are in a safer, better place now.

My children's faces came before me in a flash as I was reading the article. I wanted to get home as soon as possible; to hug them, to kiss them, to protect them. I have always believed that the turning point of a woman's life is when she has a child. A woman's world is no longer her own. Her life is no longer as precious as her child's. A mother is willing to trade-in anything; her health, her time, her energy, all her possessions and even her life so that her children can lead a better life, a better future. A mother's love has no comparison.

However, there are many times when I questioned my love for my children. If I love them so much, why do I scold them? Why do I punish them so harshly? Why do I lose my temper? After all, they are still children...young, innocent children who love me unconditionally. Could it be that I am taking them for granted? Could it be that I have such high expectations of them? Could it be that I want them to grow up quickly? Could it be that I am just simply human?

I believe that I am not the only mother who constantly feels guilty. I believe that I am not the only mother who questions myself. Funny though, it feels good to know of others who are in the same boat. I know that I am NORMAL. I am a NORMAL mother.

I have concluded that I am simply human. A mother with lots of flaws. A mother who needs to learn, to be taught, to be reminded. I have also concluded that my children are just....children, little humans...who, too, need to learn, to be taught and to be reminded. Our children constantly teach us in their own little ways. Because of their high inquisitive mind, they encourage us to learn with them. I have learnt a lot from my children and at times, they teach me about myself, that I was not even aware of.

To my four beautiful girls, I thank you for learning with me, making me discover more about myself and teaching me how to teach you in your own special ways. I love you. May Allah protect you always. Ameen.

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