Monday, March 28, 2005

I am just not in the mood to do anything today. Could it be the case of PMS? Maybe. I am also getting pimples....Urgh! and I've always had the misconception that at 30s, a woman's hormones are balanced so the days of pimply face are gone. I am wrong, again. I am so used to being wrong that I don't really care actually. Anyway, today I feel like talking about this.

How things are when you are 30-something! When I was in my 20s, I never could visualise myself as how I am now....beautiful, hot and sexy! Anyone wants to puke? Please do it where the words of this blog can still be read clearly!

Why do we, woman, always degrade ourselves of talk of us being fat and unattractive? Why do we put ourselves to great shame? Is there really a need to scrutinize every part of our body? We ain't perfect. Our bodies cannot be perfect too. We are who we see ourselves. Anyway, if our significant other sees us like the hot babe (just like we were a few donkey years ago) which other man dare the say otherwise without getting a punch from our macho man?

So what if we had gone through three or four births and we have millions, billions or zillions numbers of stretchmarks? So what if our assets are sagging due to breastfeeding? Are we going to do anything about it? If we aren't, then we should just stop complaining about how we are no longer beautiful. Otherwise, the least we can do to ourselves is appreciate ourselves ; be it inner or outer beauty. We are beautiful. We are sexy only if we want to.

Don't believe me. Just try.

Remarks : BQ admits that there are days that she feels real ugly and wonder why she does not look like Nicole Kidman. Then, she reminds herself that if she looks like Nicole Kidman, she'd be married to a shorty by the name of Tom Cruise and he would later leave her. So BQ counts her blessings. This mediocre, malayish look that Allah gives her provides her with great happiness.

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