Friday, June 17, 2005

I decided not to be gloomy anymore. What's the point, right? The little boy will never come back. He is in a better place now. Anyway, since I think, I won't be able to update my precious blog in the next week, I feel that I should be fair to my precious and at least, devote my attention to it - for now. 8)

Today, I 've lost my mood to W.O.R.K. No mood at all. Just waiting for the hols to start. I don't think I have shortchanged my boss since I have made sure that all things are done before I go on leave. So everything is finito and a new project awaits when I return. Perfect timing.

Unfortunately, timing is not-so-perfect in the packing department. A week of children's clothes and adults clothes need to be sorted. A bag for this destination, another bag for another destination blah blah blah. Looks like no sleep for me tonight...I haven't packed yet and we are to leave tomorrow morning prompto - no delay dalee, no terhegeh-hegehing, having children in tow is definitely no excuse. So looks like I have to put the children to sleep in their jalan-jalan clothes so no need to bathe...just drag them out of bed and into the car. Save time mah......8p

Maybe DH and I should do the time. No need to brush teeth also, just brush before going to bed...since we are leaving before sunrise what? Who is going to see us right? So dark. And, I don't think they are going to forbid us into Malaysia with muka tak mandi, right?? Wait a minute, I am not going to sleep tonight because I am the above will not apply to me. Thank goodness, driving is not my duty for the hols. I can just go to slumberland while my handsome chauffer maneauver the car.

I just can't wait for tomorrow to come - with or without sleep. Going on a holiday without sleep is better than going to work with enough sleep, correct or not? I just cannot wait....This is the long awaited break for me and family. This past weeks have been so tiring, clearing work, making sure there's no outstanding issues that has potential to drive boss up the wall when I am not around. I just need this break. I need to break in this mundane routine - go to work, go back home, sleep. Everyone in this office has their break earlier this month. Now is my turn so I am counting down to the minutes to leave the office. One hour 30 mins to go, One hour 29 mins to go, One hour 28 mins to go.....hmmm, maybe I should just fasten the minute hand of the clock. Maybe now is the right time since no one is looking? Nah, my daughter's voice is ringing in my head...."Mak, orang tak nampak tapi Allah nampak tau?"

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