Friday, June 10, 2005

The past few days, ST featured married couples who are married more than twice my age. The longest being 75 years of marriage. I pray that my marriage with my significant other not only last our lifetime here but also extends to our life thereafter in Heaven...insya'allah. 8)

Marriage to me is the most enriching life experience one can have. I love being married. I love having a family. I have some girl friends who are not married. Many people would assume that women who are not married are most probably difficult, too independant, either not attractive at all or too attractive, self-centred and blah blah blah. I beg to differ in this single girl friends are far from these stereotype assumptions. All of them love children, they look after their nieces and nephews like their own. They are moderately attractive with cash $$$ at hand. They are gentle, sexy and have many more positive attributes that a woman should have. And yet, they are not married.

I asked several of them and the answers varied. One said she had been hurt too much by men that she swore not to get married. Another said that men are just too immature. All the matured ones are married. Others just don't feel the need to have lifetime companions from the opposite sex. In other words, they choose not to get married. Men may love them and yet they don't care less about men.

I tried to change their perception about marriage but their values are just different from mine. Our priorities are different. I see marriage as making me wholesome and balanced. I see marriage as sharing of knowledge and ideas where as lifetime partners we build on each other strengths. Marriage is a union that results in one complementing the other.

I believe in opposite attracts. My husband and I are very different individuals coming from different, very very different background. From the food we eat, to the hobbies and interest that we have. Our ideas and principles are poles apart in the beginning of our marriage. But as our marriage progresses, we realised that each of us managed to influence the other in a way that we cannot comprehend. Unintentionally or subconsciously, we managed to reach a compromise without coercion.

I realised that the most important part of a marriage is not just love but trust. A marriage will not be fulfilling if there is only love but lack trust. Both have to exist and TRUST is one elemant that cannot be forgone. I know of couples who were deeply and passionately in love with each other but unfortunately, sought to be separated and divorced eventually. And not that they did not love each other anymore but because they could not trust each other any longer.

For me, the one person that I trust the most is no other than my significant other. He is not only my lifetime companion but also my best friend, confidant, motivator, inspiration, personal advisor and soul mate all wrapped up in a handsome package. I am grateful to be married to such a man and raise a family with him. And no, he does not read blogs so this is not written for him. But I know, he knows and he knows that I knows. 8)

For all of us who are married, there is always one person that at times, we take for granted and that person is likely to be our spouse. So to make this weekend even special, instead of just celebrating father's day, why not start appreciating and trust our spouses more.

I leave you with a quote, a special quote from a special someone. " What is love? I don't know what it really means. But if you really want to know, I love you more than I did before because I have seen the sacrifices that you are willing to take together with me. And at the end of the day, we know that we can only trust each other."

Have a Great Weekend!

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