Thursday, July 07, 2005

Alhamdullilah, I got my $$$ back - every cent of it. BUT I am still going ahead to create awareness about this. No names mentioned. I have been hearing lots of such cases - betrayal of trusts by insurance con-men. My theory is that they would swipe $$$ from term policies because the renewal is on an annual basis like hospitalisation, travel insurance. etc. and the mode of payment is usually cash.

Nonetheless, I have to put these action on hold till I get back to office again. Because I talk too much, I am attending this course on listening skills, so my children will no longer have grounds to complain that Mummy does not listen to them. I do believe that I talk and write too much nonsense...hehehe. Anyway, Have a fantabulous weekend....see you next week. 8)

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