Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I wanted to write something intellectually stimulating today. But my brain protests. My head is still numb - yesterday's headache is back. I am not sure whether I am coming down with something but I definitely don't feel like I'm at the top of the world.

I have a phobia - of taking medicine. And DH had been pestering me to take the panadol since yesterday, I just can't make myself do it. I hate the taste. The pill kept on getting stuck in my throat. It sounds rather childish for a 30 something mother of 4. But I don't care. I believe in self healing. I let my body take the beat and the heat and hopefully build its own immunity. I only go to the doc for the MC and I just add on the medicine to my growing inventory. I just don't understand why can't they make medicines that taste like sweets! I don't mind popping minty pills to cure my headache.

I should blame my medicine-phobia genes when the children refused to take their medicine when they were ill. The house would become a war-zone, with mummy chasing the child just to give a squirt of the medicine. And just when Mummy think that the squirt of medicine went in, it came out again. And if Mummy did not have maid. Mummy would cry because she had to clean the vomit & the sick child & make sure the other 3 did not step on the vomit. It would be chaos of the highest order, with children crying and mummy screaming. Thank goodness, this only happens maybe once or twice a year. Alhamdullilah, the children are generally more healthy than the adults - they bully and tire us out, that's why.

I did tell the docs that our family need medicine that are nice to take. Unfortunately, they could not accommodate us. I don't think this is a unique problem. I bet if I were to do an intensive study, many would fall into the same category as us. OR are we just the odd one out? Any one from Glaxo-smith or whatever who is willing to try and develop a yummy medicine...anyone?

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